Power to most parts of Sunnyside was abruptly cut at 8.05 am on Monday, 11 April, after a civil contractor digging for sewage pipes instead damaged high voltage cables in Maynard Street.

Ward 8 councillor Cary Clark said she had requested the name of the contractor responsible.

She also said that Makana did not have credible, up-to-date ‘as built’ drawing to indicate where the power lines are.

In a recent interview with Grocott’s Mail, Makana Municipality Manager Moppe confirmed that the municipality did not have these drawings, which document where municipal assets – like water pipelines, sewers, maintenance holes, and electrical cables – are located.

“We need a credible asset register based on credible ‘as built’ drawings,” Mene said. A credible asset register is critical for compliance with the auditor general’s requirements.

On a Ward 8 WhatsApp group, residents were incredulous that the municipality did not have these ‘as built’ drawings.

Meanwhile, another frustrated resident questioned the qualifications of the contractors. “Who were the other companies that tendered? Who was on the selection committee? If the tendering process was rotten, the municipality should be forking out for all the rotting food in defrosted refrigerators.”

Another resident asked if there would be security looking at their properties. “Or should we arrange ourselves when alarms and security lights are off? We are also working so we need a decent plate of food. We need to be able to bath/ shower.”

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