Dear Rescuers

River conditions seem no worse – or better – than they have always been … possibly a LITTLE better thanks to the intermittent rain. But, we’ll be back in action this Saturday, focusing on cleaning rubbish off the banks rather than out of the water.

Where? Wylde Street – which is just behind Evans Street and parallel to it. Meet in Evans Street to collect gloves, buckets, etc., then walk upstream, and the first little street you come to will be Wylde Street. We’ve got some boots, courtesy of Carrara – and some gloves, but if you’ve got your own, it all helps.

When? The weather report for Saturday predicts HOT, so let’s start early – not later than 8 am. (Yes, I know it’s tough on a Saturday morning, but none of us can be called sissies, can we? ?) NEVAH! River Protectors of the world unite!

What’s different? We’re waiting for confirmation from a truly wonderful man with an earth-moving machine, who will start by moving the heap of rubble that the Municipality left on the bank at the end of Wylde Street and put it into the skips. Our job will be to pick up the remaining debris, and get it into the skips, so keeping it out of the river.

Elizabeth has canvassed the people in Wylde Street, making it clear that we can only do this once; after that, we need them to help us keep it as clean as Evans Street. It would be wonderful … one street at a time. At some stage, maybe a street competition … we can (must) dream.

Uthando lwemilambo,

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