Alcohol ban back plus 9pm-4am curfew and other key points from President Cyril Ramaphosa’s speech to the nation on Sunday 12 July 2020.

Setting the scene:

South Africa now has more than 12 000 new Covid-19 cases a day – or 500 every hour. At least 4 079 people have died from Covid-19 – a quarter of those in the past week. More than 134 000 South African have recovered from the coronavirus.

The problem:

Careless behaviour (not wearing a mask in public; large gatherings etc) are contributing to a soaring rate of infection.

Measures taken include:

  • More than 2 million coronavirus tests done and more than 20 million screenings.
  • 28 000 hospital beds made available around the country for Covid-19 patients;
  • 37 000 quarantine beds in public and private facilities;
  • 1 700 additional ventilators secured and another 12 000 devices scheduled for delivery during August;
  • Recruiting nurses, doctors and emergency health personnel to address shortage of more than 12 000 nurses, doctors and physiotherapists.
  • SA is part of the global effort to develop a vaccine.

New measures to reduce infections:

  • Tighter regulations on wearing masks including that employers, shop owners public transport operators, managers and owners of any public building are legally obliged to ensure that those entering it are wearing a mask.
  • Designated coronavirus official at workplaces;
  • Taxis: local trips 100% but long distance 70% plus masks, sanitising and open windows
  • Alcohol: sale, dispensing and distribution of alcohol suspended with immediate effect;
  • There will be a curfew from 9pm to 4am starting Monday 13 July at 9pm;
  • No family visits or other social activities;
  • State of disaster extended to 15 August;

The President emphasised basic protective measures:

  • Wear a cloth mask that covers your nose and mouth when you leave home;
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water;
  • Clean and sanitise all surfaces in public spaces;
  • Keep a safe distance of at least two metres from other people.


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