The SPCA is very happy to have our Rhodes University students back in town and in particular we welcome the new first years. For many years, our local SPCA has had a good relationship with the Rhodes University student body and we hope to continue and strengthen that relationship throughout this year. We value student involvement in our organisation and we hope more students will choose to support our SPCA. Here are some of the ways you can be involved.

Volunteering at the SPCA
Our SPCA welcomes volunteers – preferably energetic ones who come ready to walk dogs or get their hands dirty giving some of our dogs a much needed bath. For those who like to be calm and quiet, our cats and kittens are always looking for some much needed attention.

Our donkeys are appreciative of a good grooming and a few carrots as a treat, for those who are comfortable around large animals. The animals in our care need love, attention and the dogs desperately long for walks. We rely on volunteers to assist us with this, as the SPCA staff are extremely busy and do not have enough time to give the animals all the love and attention they need alongside their daily chores. If you are keen to volunteer, please visit the SPCA centre in the Industrial Area or give us a call on 046 622 3233.

Visit our brand new charity shop
Our SPCA recently opened its very own charity shop. It’s located in High Street next to the Grand Res. Lots of second hand gems can be found here – most of them at giveaway prices. The best part is that all funds raised go directly to helping the animals that need it most.

Support our fundraising events
The SPCA has many fun and exciting events planned throughout the year to raise much needed funds in order to keep our doors open. Like our Facebook page SPCA Grahamstown to keep up to date and informed.

Considering adopting an animal?
The SPCA does allow students to adopt animals, but we do have some strict rules and policies in place when it comes to students. This is to ensure that all of animals receive the best care and students understand that getting an animal is a commitment and responsibility for the length of that animal’s life.

We require one student to take full responsibility for an animal if it is being adopted into a communal living space. We also require written permission from parents or guardians of students stating that they are aware that the student is adopting an animal and commit to taking responsibility of the animal if the student is no longer able to take care of it for whatever reason.

We also need permission from agents or landlords for rented properties to ensure that they are pet friendly.

All animals adopted through our SPCA are subject to a successful home inspection and an adoption fee applies to most animals adopted through our organisation. While we are always excited to have animals adopted from our centre, we encourage students to think very carefully about the responsibility of owning an animal and consider whether adopting an animal is the right choice. For those who are feeling homesick and miss their pets at home, we encourage you to volunteer at our centre and give our animals lots of love and attention.

Contact Us
If you would like to get in touch or find out more about our organisation, please contact us on 046 622 3233, message us on Facebook or email us at

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