The South African Weather Service has recommended that all school sport be cancelled today and tomorrow in parts of the Eastern Cape where temperatures have soared as high as 40C in places.

Garth Sampson, Client Liaison Officer for SAWS in the Eastern Cape says areas over the interior west of Cradock and Fort Beaufort can expect temperatures in the high 30’s and reaching 40 C in places.

“Along the coast temperatures can reach up to 33 C in places,” Sampson said. “This accompanied by high humidity’s along the coast and adjacent interior over the entire region (between Plettenberg Bay and Port St Johns) means that discomfort levels have already reached 110 in places. This is considered as hazardous to health.”

Sampson said the public was advised to refrain from strenuous outdoor activity and it was highly recommended that school sport be cancelled today.

The good news, Sampson said, was that conditions would cool slightly after sunset. The bad news was that conditions would be even more uncomfortable tomorrow. He shared the following information about high discomfort and heat waves:


Discomfort Index
When temperature and humidity are high at the same time, humans ability to cool their bodies through sweating are reduced. This can be a real threat.


  • Stay indoors in a cool room near a fan if possible;
  • The old and infirm must take extra care;
  • Listen to the radio or TV for warnings;
  • Cease strenuous outdoor activity if advised;
  • Avoid playing sport;
  • Dress in lightweight clothes;
  • Drink plenty of liquids and not alcohol.

Don’t leave children or pets in cars
The temperature in a motor-car can rise to more than 10 degrees higher than the outside temperature in just 10 minutes and 20C higher in 30 minutes. Do not leave pets or children in motor cars, especially in hot conditions.

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