Dear Residents;
Last week we reported on progress made by Kagiso Trust regarding Indigent Management.
This week we report on progress made regarding the Development of Local Economic (LED) Strategy.

The Centre of Local Economic Development (CENLG) was appointed by Kagiso Trust to conduct a Status Qou report on Makana LED environment. As expected the report highlighted the following challenges:
• High Unemployment Rate
• Youth Development
• Skills Development for all ages
• Infrastructure Development and
• Small Business Development

The municipality’s Local Economic Development Strategy was appointed in 2010 and is long overdue for review. (CENLG) is assisting the municipality with the review of the LED Strategy. A series of LED workshops have already been undertaken with municipal officials and councillors.

The following sector plans have been approved.
• Tourism Sector Plan (2009)
• SMME Development and Support (2010)
• Investment Policy 2011
• SMME Strategy (2012)

The SMME Development Policy has been formulated and is due for council approval. Council will have to rescind all the outdated Policies and approve one consolidate LED Strategy.

The report highlighted the following critical LED Developmental Challenges as priorities. In this regard the report recommends that an inter-developmental LED committee be established to prioritise the following:
• Investment in the township by profiling investment opportunities, e.g. retail centre in Extension 6, Joza, packaging as well and promotion of the opportunities.
• Legal action against the municipality due to failure to process land use applications within the stipulated period; The Planning department and LED Directorate could be re-organised.
• Lengthy process for the approval of building plans due to a lack of inter- departmental cooperation; • The MIG component of LED to be examined and prioritised for LED projects;
• Lack of investor confidence in the municipality due to infrastructure related challenges i.e. constant electricity and water outages;
• There is a need to improve Makana tourism and review the service level agreement with Eastern Cape Tourism;
• There is a need to conclude a land audit of all municipal land with a view to prioritise development which will assist to increase its revenue base and assist the municipality’s cash flow;
• Informal trade
• Currently the customer care unit resides in different units, e.g. corporate services, Speakers office and there is a need for integration of customer care to ensure consistency in implementation; and
• The website needs to be revamped and updated to ensure relevant information is placed in compliance with legislation.
• Lack of understanding of compliance issues with regards to supply chain management.
• Local service providers are not prioritised when the municipality pays its creditors
• Tenders; 30% allocation to local business

It is anticipated that the Local Economic Development Strategies will be completed by end of October 2019.

Hon. Executive Mayor Cllr. Mzukisi Mpahlwa

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