In Makana, many residents are often unsure of how to use public service delivery institutions. To be an active citizen, it is important to know your rights in court, with the local authorities and the municipality – but also your responsibilities. Grocott’s Mail has compiled this list of rights, rules and tips to help you engage better as as citizen with the courts, the police and local government.

The Courts

  1. You have a constitutional right to visit the court and sit in the gallery during a hearing. The only restrictions of this are in cases involving minors (persons under the age of 18) or otherwise disclosed.
  2. You may take written or recorded notes.
  3. You may NOT take photos or videos without given prior permission by the Magistrate.
  4. You must dress appropriately (business casual or conservatively) or you may be dismissed from the court gallery.
  5. You may not publish the names of those involved in a case without permission.
  6. Case details are published daily outside of each courtroom for the public’s use.
  7. You must turn your cellphone off when inside a courtroom, as the signal interferes with the formal recording devices used in the hearing.
  8. You may not bring any weapons into the court, and will be screened for security purposes before entering.

The police

  1. You must file a formal charge or complaint at a police station in order for any action to be taken.
  2. Police authorities are not permitted to search your home or business without providing a warrant.
  3. Police must state the reason(s) for arrest when an arrest is made.
  4. You have the constitutional right to legal representation.
  5. Do be polite and courteous to police officials as to not provoke unnecessary violence or rough behaviour.

The Municipality

  1. Should you have service delivery issues, you are advised to report them to your respective ward councillor. 
  2. Makana has put in place strict water restrictions that permit up to 60 litres per person per day.

Abahlali baseRhini ngamaxa amaninzi abanalo ulwazi lokuba amaziko eenkozo zikarhulumente asetyenziswa njani. Kubalulekile ukuba xa ungummi osebenzayo uwazi amalungelo akho enkudleni, nabasemagunyeni kunye nomasipala. Ukuncedisana noluntu, iGrocott’s Mail iqulunqe uludwe lwamalungelo, imigaqo kunye neengcebiso zokuqinisekisa ngokubhekiselele ukubandakanyeka kwakho njengomhlali.


  1. Unelungelo lomgaqo-siseko lokutyelela inkundla kwaye uhlala kwigalari ngexesha lokuva. Imingcipheko ziimeko apho kubandakanywa abantwana (abantu abangaphantsi kweminyaka elishumi enisixhenxe-18) okanye ngenye indlela.
  2. Unokuthatha amanqaku abhaliweyo okanye arekhodiweyo amanqaku.
  3. AWUVUMELEKANGA ukuthatha umfanekiso okanye iividiyo ngaphandle kwemvume engaphambili enikezwe nguMantyi.
  4. Kufaneleke unxibe ngokufanelekileyo (ngokuzimeleyo) okanye ungasuswa kwigalari yeenkundla.
  5. Awukwazi ukupapasha amagama abo babandakanyekayo kwimeko ngaphandle kwemvume
  6. Iinkcukacha zenkcazo zipapashwa imihla ngemihla ngaphandle kwgumbi letyala ngalinye kwenzelwa ukusetyenziswa luluntu.
  7. Kumele ucime imfonomfono yakho xa ungaphakathienkundleni, njengoko uphawu luphazamisa amacebo okurekhoda asetyenziswayo kwintetho.
  8. Azingeni izixhobo enkudleni kwaye uyahlolwa phambi kokuba ungene ngezizathu zokhuselo.

SAPS (Iinkonzo zamapolisa aseMzantsi Afrika)

  1. Umele ufake isikhalazo kwisikhululo samapolisa ukwenzela bebonokwazi ukuthatha amanyathelo.
  2. Amapolisa awanalo igunya lokukhangela ikhaya lakho okanye ishishini ngaphandle kokubonelela imvume.
  3. Amapolisa kufuneka achaze isizathu sokubanjwa xa kubanjwa.
  4. Unelungelo lomgaqo-siseko lokumelwa ngumeli ngokomthetho.
  5. Iba nentlonipho kunye nobubele kumagosa amapolisa ukwenzela ungabingunobangela wobundlobongela obungadingekiyo okanye ukuziphatha kakubi.


  1. Ukuba unemiba yokunikezelwa kwenkonzo, ucebiswe ukuba ubeke ingxelo kwikhansela yakho yewadi.
  2. EMakana kubekwe imingcipheko yamanzi engqongqo evumela ukufikelela kwi-60 ilitha umntu ngamnye.
Kathryn Cleary

Investigative journalist; health, human rights, politics and environmental stories.

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