Many people in the Eastern Cape have connections to St John’s, Bathurst; with family members being buried there or having been baptised, confirmed or married at St John’s. It is also the only unaltered Anglican Church in the Southern Hemisphere. This year, the Anglican Church St John, the Evangelist also turns 180.

Rector of St Paul’s Port Alfred and St John’s Bathurst said, “We would encourage people who have these connections to return during this year of celebration of 180 years of being a sacred space where worship continues and has never stopped over these 180 years.

“Your presence at some of the activities during 2018 and possibly in financially giving will allow this small but very active congregation to keep the buildings and surrounds functioning to the glory of God,” Webstock said.

The first of several events will take place at St John’s today 7 March, at  5.30pm. Renowned artist Julia Skeen (artist in residence at the Cathedral of St Michael and St George) will showcase her four paintings entitled “THE SEASONS OF JESUS as in ‘I am the Vine’.

Skeen and her husband Chris Mann are well known for their creativity and presentations and often exhibit at the National Arts Festival. The  event will also be during the season of Lent in preparation for the great Easter festival.

A retiring offertory and collection will be taken to help Skeen with travel expenses and add to the building fund for the upkeep of the magnificent church.

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