Rhodes University Drama Department has invited members of the public to Theatre in Motion – its annual showcase of Masters and Honours student work. Entry is free, but the programme is popular and so booking is essential.

In the programme are student created stories, using the skills they have learned in choreography, physical performance, visual theatre and theatre design.

The choreographers this year tell stories through movement incorporating a range of colours, emotions and  traditions. Here are works that challenge the gaze of the audience, break the comfort of the traditional fourth wall of the theatre and invite the audience into the performers’ space to see them at close quarters.

Programme A will be staged on Wednesday 18 October and Friday 20 October and features Honours Choreography students Danielle van der Merwe, Georgina Makhubele, Mlondiwethu Dubazane, Serena Paver and Mmatumisang Motsisi.

Programme B will be staged on Thursday, 19 October and Saturday 21 October and features Masters Choreography student Carla Mostert as well as Honours Physical Performance student Athina Vahla,

The performances in the Rhodes University Theatre are free, but with limited seats, bookings at the Theatre Cafe are essential.

Donnay Oosthuizen

I am the Production Manager of Grocott's Mail Print Edition. I am married and I have a daughter of 10 who is in Grade 4 at Victoria Primary School. The words that I live by is if you don't succeed try and try again.

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