There are approximately 7.2 billion people on the planet.
Every number has a name and every name has a story.There is nothing coincidental about our creation. The Lord our God made you on purpose!
Psalm 139 verse 13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
Here we see the wonderful intimacy with which we were designed. There is no random accident taking place, but a careful deliberate and intimate creation of every single person.
The adventure we have is discovering our purpose and walking in it. If you look at the core of who we are, you will see that we are relational beings. Our purpose and greatest fulfillment will therefore be found in how we relate to the living God and to the people around us.
Jesus made it abundantly clear that his intention is redemption. He wants everyone to be restored to a vibrant relationship with our Father in heaven. If we are prepared to let Christ lead us, He will not only help us into this, but he will draw us into partnership with Him as he restores others.
We were never meant to simply exist: we were created to live life to the full. We will, however, only experience this if we live on purpose.
Dave Koch
Frontiers Church


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