Construction in the Pepper Grove mall has been halted and corrugated iron enclosing a large area of the main parking lot removed.

Construction in the Pepper Grove mall has been halted and corrugated iron enclosing a large area of the main parking lot removed.

Pick n Pay store manager Johan Pienaar told Grocott's Mail on Friday 19 September that this followed a court ruling.

Grocott's Mail recently reported on the first phase of construction which included shops for an optometrist and restaurant chain Mugg & Bean.

In 'Tiff over mall mayhem' (GM 5 September) Pick n Pay co-owner Jon Campbell was quoted saying the construction had taken a toll on business.

Pepper Grove owner Rob Beer, however, said at the time that he had negotiated with Pick n Pay management about the positioning of the new developments.

Beer was unavailable for comment today.

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