A soldier without knowledge is dangerous, said bank robber turned motivational speaker Gayton McKenzie.

A soldier without knowledge is dangerous, said bank robber turned motivational speaker Gayton McKenzie.

McKenzie, the former prison gang leader who exposed corruption among warders at Grootvlei Prison in Bloemfontein, was the speaker at an Army event to mark International Book Month.

The event took place at the 6 South African Infantry (6 SAI) Battalion headquarters at Grahamstown's army base.

Himself an author of a book, "A hustler's bible", McKenzie made it clear to the crowd that reading is the key to success.

McKenzie spoke of his life behind bars, where he read all the books that were in the prison library. He had made a promise to himself to do so after his mother was the only person to support him while he was in court on various charges.

"When I looked up inside that court room, no-one besides my mother was there to support me. I had no friends, acquaintances, nothing.

"My mother came up to me and said I borrowed the money to come here. That was when I made a promise to myself that I was going to read each and every book in that library." And that's how now many people are able to call him a multi-millionaire, just by reading books, he said.

This self-made business man encouraged the troops to read anything and everything they come across as reading is one of the best ways to learn something.

"A soldier without knowledge is a danger to his country," he said. He also said dreams were important.

"Being a soldier doesn't mean you should stop dreaming.

"If you have a dream go out there and pursue it.

"Being here and doing the great work for your country does not mean you can never follow your dream, because dreams do come true.

"If you work hard towards pursuing those dreams, with self discipline they will happen," McKenzie said.

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