Good Morning Grahamstown is a two-part television news feature created by third-year Television Journalism students at Rhodes University. Amongst other local issues, these two episodes look at a landmark land case that was recently won in Salem and the increased risk of TB for school pupils who are stuck in overcrowded classrooms.

Good Morning Grahamstown is a two-part television news feature created by third-year Television Journalism students at Rhodes University. Amongst other local issues, these two episodes look at a landmark land case that was recently won in Salem and the increased risk of TB for school pupils who are stuck in overcrowded classrooms.

This episode look at the landmark Salem land case decided in the Grahamstown High Court, a tale of the bulldozed house of a local resident by the Makana Municipality, a change to the Pharmacy Department student rules and a new initiative to solve transport for Rhodes students.


The news stories focus on the risk to school pupils from TB when they are locked into overcrowded classrooms because of crime; some new additions to New Street nightlife,  a local response to the Bring Back our Girls campaign and a look at Acty Tang's latest physical theatre production called Hunger by the Rhodes Drama Department


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