The Electoral Commission (IEC) met on Friday 22 November to review the outcome of the recent registration drive and confirmed dates for a second and final registration weekend to be held on Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February 2014.
The Electoral Commission (IEC) met on Friday 22 November to review the outcome of the recent registration drive and confirmed dates for a second and final registration weekend to be held on Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February 2014.
The Commission noted the significant increase in registrations over last registration weekend in which just over 1 million new voters were added to the voters’ roll and the fact that over 80% of these were young people under 30 years of age. A further 1,5 million people updated their registration details.
It also noted the continued challenge of raising registration levels among young people, especially those aged 18 – 19 whose registration levels are the lowest of any age group at less than 23%.
Encouraged by the continued interest in eligible voters who are not yet registered who have inundated the IEC call centre and social media platforms for information on further registration opportunities, along with the support of political parties and other stakeholders, the Commission confirmed its plan to open all voting stations for registration on 8 and 9 February 2014.
This will allow time for eligible voters who have not yet applied for ID documents to apply at their nearest Home Affairs office and they are encouraged to do so before the annual holiday season.
The February registration weekend will be the final opportunity for new voters to register and for registered voters to change their voting station ahead of the 2014 National and Provincial Elections. It is anticipated that the President will proclaim the election date shortly after the registration weekend, closing the voters’ roll in line with legislation.
There are currently 24 112 414 registered voters (76.7%) and the Commission hopes to reach 80% registration of eligible voters ahead of the election.