Only a small proportion of the people in Makana Municipality who have applied for houses will receive them, Ward 5 councillor Monwabisi Tame said at a public meeting on Sunday.

Only a small proportion of the people in Makana Municipality who have applied for houses will receive them, Ward 5 councillor Monwabisi Tame said at a public meeting on Sunday.

Tame was addressing 250 residents at Extension 9 Hall who had demanded that the councillor read them the names on the housing list.

Tame started the meeting by condemning the recent protests over housing at Extension 10 earlier this month. He accused troublemakers of "acting like spies", going behind councillors' backs to search for housing lists.

Tame warned the community to not listen to these kinds of people.

He said that the government was working towards the eradication of shacks. He said that out of 14 000 people who had applied for houses, only 2 400 would receive them.

"I want the community to be patient and work with us as government in this situation," Tame said.

The residents were given a chance to look at the list, but because there were so many, Tame opted to read out the names.

However, he warned that the list was not complete – another list would come soon from the Department of Human Settlements.

The floor was opened to the community to ask questions. Some of the people given a chance to speak, however, were stopped – some because they were straying from the subject, and some because they were drunk.

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