I don’t know what its name actually means, but for me Kasouga is the place of playful light.

I don’t know what its name actually means, but for me Kasouga is the place of playful light.

Light shines, sparkles, shimmers, glitters and glistens everywhere – turning three-storey-high dunes into massive heaps of gold dust; transforming the water’s edge into a gleaming beach reflection of the endless range of pink-blue cloudy hues in the sky above.

Making the lagoon look like a lake of liquid platinum at sunset; becoming an exquisite external manifestation of the golden inner glow that Kasouga elicits in everyone.

It is exquisite! My favourite beach on Earth!

I suppose what makes Kasouga so special is that it embodies the perfect symmetry of everything astounding about our coastline.

Endless beach stretching out on either side as far as the eye can see; crashing waves that are fantastic to frolic in; mammoth dune formations whose splendid stature even the builders of Europe’s grand cathedrals would envy.

A gentle lagoon to fully immerse yourself in and where toddlers can safely play; fabulous rock pools to explore at low tide; and pockets of indigenous forest where birdlife and wildlife abound.

Indeed, as a gated community within a protected environmental conservancy, Kasouga is its own pristine world where all who live there – both human and animal – roam free and are treated with respect.

None of its roads are tarred, hand-painted signs warn you to drive slowly because there are children at play, and at night, hooting owls and grazing buck are part of the stunning audio-visual backdrop you’re surrounded by.

And everything is dominated by the rumbling of the sea in the near distance behind the dunes. Now I cannot overemphasise the spectacular size and scale of those dunes!

Truly something to behold! They create an entire dune-world of crests and gullies that you can explore time and again, and still always find new hidden corners, nooks and crannies.

They allow you to rise up high above the beach and get a flying seagull’s view of the sea, while creating the perfect slide that you can race back down again on a cardboard box until you literally fly into the lagoon.

And some areas are completely invisible to anyone or anything bar low-flying aeroplanes.

So if ‘naked in nature’ is your thing, nestled among plant life that finds a way to somehow spectacularly survive on beach sand alone, you will find a perfect hiding place to sun your buns amid Kasouga’s dunes.

Do it! You’ll feel like a kid again. Caring about nothing but the joy of sand between your toes!

Ultimately, Kasouga is fabulous for kids and adults alike; and is a very popular weekend getaway for Grahamstonians – particularly since houses can be rented for very reasonable rates out of peak season.

Its close to G’town also makes it perfect for a day trip or an afternoon outing. I promise, one afternoon in Kasouga will make you feel as if you’ve holidayed for days!

I personally adore those quick afternoon Kasouga getaways; leave G’town at lunch time, get there in 45 minutes.

The searing midday heat recedes into a groovy glow, playing about in the lagoon for a while.

Its bathwater temperature and slight saltiness enveloping you, finally you can begin some dune exploration before plunging into the ocean.

Ah, the Kasouga sunset hour!

You can feel the change in the air almost immediately.

The wind normally drops off, a tranquil stillness settles over everything and the light softens and plays on every possible surface around you. The setting sun in the far distance over the lagoon creates an atmosphere of myth and fable.

I feel like a new person every time, so will you!

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