The first of the Woest Hill Handicap Series took place last week, with close to 40 runners and cyclists tackling the steep 3.5km hill climb.

The first of the Woest Hill Handicap Series took place last week, with close to 40 runners and cyclists tackling the steep 3.5km hill climb.

Grahamstown's top cyclists got to the top of the climb minutes before the top local runners.

The handicap system ensures anyone can win and a series winner will be the most improved over the four races.

The next Woest Hill Handicap Series is scheduled to take place on 16 April.

The event starts at 5.30pm from the bottom of Woest Hill (on the Southwell Road).

The series is organised by Run/Walk For Life Athletics Club together with Saints and Sinners Cycling Club.

For more information e-mail Run/Walk For Life or

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Results of the first Woest Hill Handicap Series (cyclists except where noted):

1. Adam Smith 13:18

2. Jay Fisher 13:21

3. Paddy Fisher 13:45

4. Alex Haupt 15:43

5. Kirsty Hodgskiss 16:05

6. Malibongwe Mbelu 16:07 (runner)

7. Matt Parkinson 16:30

8. Neil Currie 16:44

9. Carriot Galela 16:55 (runner)

10. Pieter Fourie 17:29

11. Grant Wolff 17:37 (runner)

12. Richard Foss 19:04 (runner)

13. Andrew Penney 19:14

14. Vernon Jones 19:19 

15. Helen Averbuch 19:32

16. Nick Theron 20:02

17. Dylan Weyer 20:05

18. Owen Skae 20:21

19. Kerry Longhurst 20:25 (runner)

20. Nicole Craig 20:30

21. Sean Cresswell 20:43

22. Tim Bull 20:43 (runner)

23. Gwinyai Chimuriwo 21:35 (runner)

24. John van Onselen 21:52 (runner)

25. Misty Weyer 22:04

26. John Stapleton 22:18 (runner)

27. Doug Cuppleditch 23:25

28. Melanie Bruce-Miller 23:48 (runner)

29. Paul Schaerer 23:48 (runner)

30. Pete du Toit 24:31 (runner)

31. Paul Caiger 24:59 (runner)

32. Dominiche Averbuch 25:48

33. Cath Deiner 26:01

34. Linda Ngxande 26:53 (runner)

35. Leonie Yendall 30:20

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