Green Fund Run

It’s all systems go on Sunday 17 March at 4.30pm, for the fourth Green Fund Run to be held at Rhodes University.

Green Fund Run

It’s all systems go on Sunday 17 March at 4.30pm, for the fourth Green Fund Run to be held at Rhodes University.

Prof Fred Ellery and team of organisers are optimistic that there will be new records. “This year we expect around 1000 participants” says Ellery.

The event is open to all – teams or individuals – for a minimum donation of R10 per participant.

Runners can complete 5km (3 legs of approx 1.7 km) and walkers, wheelers and strollers can do a gentle 3.5km (2 legs).

Prizes – symbolised through the planting of indigenous trees after the event – and certificates are awarded to the first, second and third placed teams/individuals, the best outfit, second best outfit, and the largest RU res team and largest school team.

Buy tickets at the Scifest ticket office, or on Friday 15 March in the RU Library Quad (9am to 3pm).

Late entries: an hour before at event start/finish at the Makana Botanical Gardens main gate on Lucas Avenue.

Green Fund Run T-shirts will also be on sale this year.

All funds raised for the Green Fund go towards projects that promote sustainability at RU and in the wider community. With the Green Fund Run, everyone wins!

Click here for more info!


Waainek Wind Energy Farm

In line with the administrative justice principles Innowind (the project contractor) is required to conduct a public participation process with the appellants as well as the interested and affected parties of the Waainek Wind Energy Facility.

During this public participation process, the appellants and registered interested and affected parties will be afforded a meaningful opportunity to comment and make representations on the final project layout plan which is now available for public viewing.

Those wishing to submit comments on the final project layout, are invited to do so and should contact Lara Crous at the CES Grahamstown (Tel: 046 622 2364/7, Fax: 046 622 6564, Website:


Oldenburgia Conservancy AGM

The Oldenburgia Conservancy held its AGM on 13 February at the Department of Economic Development and Environmental Affairs offices in Huntley Street.

The main issue for discussion concerned the failure of the Eastern Cape Parks Board to sign the constitution despite considerable efforts by all parties to achieve this.

It appears now to be only an administrative hiccup that is holding up the process, as all legalities have been discussed and approved, and the document is on the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency’s Director’s desk awaiting signature.

Until the Constitution issue is resolved, the raising of funds from institutional sources is problematic.

Another issue for discussion was the adoption of a fire protection plan for the Conservancy.

As the Makana Southern Commonage forms an integral part of the Conservancy, the all-too-frequent fires that plague the Mountain Drive area and Featherstone Kloof are a considerable source of concern to both adjacent landowners as well as the public who utilize this recreational area.

The committee currently in place was re-elected unchanged, with Mr. Kevin Bates of the Makana Municipality as chairman.


Contacts for Makana Enviro-News: Nikki Köhly:, 046 603 7205 / Jenny Gon:, 046 622 5822 / Nick Hamer:, 084 722 3458 / Nick James:, 082 575 9781 / Philip Machanick:, 046 603 8635 / Strato Copteros:, 082 785 6403

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