Scifest Africa ran in tandem with this past week's Rhodes University Environmental Week, which aims to raise awareness and support for the great and small wonders of the great outdoors.
Scifest Africa ran in tandem with this past week's Rhodes University Environmental Week, which aims to raise awareness and support for the great and small wonders of the great outdoors. While the university organised its own programme, many of the Scifest presentations were looking to achieve the same goal by providing knowledge and information about the environment – and what can be done to save it.
A major festival highlight was the 'Working for Water' workshop which was supposed to take place throughout the week, but unfortunately the workshop representatives failed to arrive, leaving many excited children and staff disappointed. This workshop was one of many others though, and environmental junkies can still get their fix at the other displays available.
The 'Water is life' exhibition provides local knowledge on the water crisis in the Eastern Cape, and there is an organic vegetable gardening project that teaches people how to grow their own vegetables in a 'green-friendly' habitat.
This afternoon also sees Prof Jolanda Roux deliver a lecture on the value of trees in our eco-system, and Langa Sangoni's talkshop on waste management for the protection of the environment. Another exciting initiative presenting at Scifest is the South African Environmental Observation Network (Saeon) that plays an important role in maintaining the country's beautiful eco-systems.
Saeon serves an observational role, collecting data and research on a large scale in order to predict and prevent problems and preserve South Africa's ecology. 'Going Green' is a popular sentiment this week, so read up on local issues and do your part to further the safety and sustainability of our environment!