Grade 12 Nathaniel Nyaluza learner, Mangaliso Mqubuli is one of three learners from his school who won a provincial high school’s science quiz in Port Elizabeth recently. In September he will represent the Eastern Cape in the national final rounds in Johannesburg.

Grade 12 Nathaniel Nyaluza learner, Mangaliso Mqubuli is one of three learners from his school who won a provincial high school’s science quiz in Port Elizabeth recently. In September he will represent the Eastern Cape in the national final rounds in Johannesburg.

How did you work towards obtaining this phenomenal achievement?
We were informed two weeks before the competition by our science teacher, actually the competition was supposed to be on 12 June but was postponed for 16 July. I was very fortunate because now I had more than enough time to prepare myself, anyway I was going to try even if it wasn’t postponed but I must say the extended time was very useful.


What kind of support or academic assistance did you receive from your educators or science teacher in preparation for the competition?
They gave me extra time to use in the computer laboratory so that I could use the internet for research purposes and I was given extra science text books, but most of the time I had to push myself and work very hard.


How confident were you into winning this provincial science quiz?
It took the driver two and half hours to get us to PE. We were so exhausted, we didn’t even get a chance to relax and have a glass of water. We were already five minutes late and had to be rushed because learners from other schools had already started with the quiz questions, that made me very nervous. Five minutes late? Yho!


Tell me about how you felt when you were put in the same room with learners from other schools who were aiming for the same goal as you?
It was a challenge and a very tough one, when I saw the number of learners wearing different uniforms there, I told myself that there is no possible way my team could win the challenge. But we just did what we were there for and finished it anyway.


Why do you think disadvantaged township and farm schools don’t perform well academically, especially in mathematics and physical science?
I think the problem lies both with the teachers and learners, there is a lack of discipline from both sides. Some teachers don’t even bother to go to class and give lessons, when they wake up in the morning they should know what their job entitles them to do. Some learners have problems with certain teachers therefore they develop an attitude towards that certain teacher and the subject that he or she teaches. Once this happens learners don’t attend that lesson. To sum it up: it’s laziness from both the teachers and learners. To solve this issue, teachers should develop a positive attitude towards their profession and learners should also show commitment to their studies and build a positive relationship with their teachers and not to be afraid to ask questions. Everyone should be goal-driven.


Do you feel inferior to learners that come from more advantaged schools?
Not really, sometimes my self esteem takes a dive when they are my competitors because I get this feeling that they are 100% better than me, but my former teacher use to tell me not to feel disadvantaged but to be confident and perform at my best capacity.


How have your teachers been preparing you for the finals which are going to be in Johannesburg?
My physical science teacher provided me with past quiz question papers so that I can revise and other teaches do give me support as in general.


How has your family been supportive of your endeavours?
Well I live with my aunt, she is excited and congratulates me now and then but I don’t think that she really knows what’s going on, she only knows that I won a school competition and that is it.


Have you attended any career guidence expos and has that made an impact in your career of choice?
I have, it was earlier this year at DSG. I am interested in the science field so when I went there I already knew what I want to study. Which career would you like to pursue when you finish your matric? A BSc in chemistry at NMMU, I think it is interesting and challenging and has always been my dream career.

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