Hendrik Kanise Combined School in Alicedale has been left without a Maths and Physics teacher since the start of the school term last week.

Hendrik Kanise Combined School in Alicedale has been left without a Maths and Physics teacher since the start of the school term last week.

On Monday morning, dissatisfied learners, teachers and parents took their grievances to the local Department of Education where they met with department officials.

Complications arose in the second term when Thembile Sandi, the then Maths and Physical Science teacher at Hendrik Kanise School, applied for and was accepted for a temporary post at Grahamstown’s Nathaniel Nyaluza Secondary.

Sandi refused to occupy the post, saying that he didn’t know that it was a temporary position, despite the advertisement clearly stating that this was the case. He was then advised by district officials to accept the post at Nathaniel Nyaluza, to which he agreed.

However, the School Governing Body (SGB) of Hendrik Kanise school said they didn’t approve Sandis’s resignation and that no replacement is currently available to take his place.

In spite of that, the Provincial Office said that Sandi is obliged to accept the post at Nathaniel Nyaluza. A letter informing Sandi of this arrangement was sent to him during the June/July holidays.

A teacher at Nathaniel Nyaluza confirmed that Sandi has taken up the post at the school. Sandi’s previous position at Hendrik Kanise is currently being advertised as a post temporary post. 

Shifting the subject
Hendrik Kanise school principal, Louw Balie emphasised that the main issue is not about Sandi but that his permanent post has been made temporary, while it should be made available for a secure, permanent teacher. The school says they find it hard to swallow such departmental actions.

Grade 12 learner and secretary of the Representative Council for Learners (RCL), Andiswa Mzizi expressed unhappiness. She said the learners are the ones to bear the consequences and called on the department to take quick action.

“We don’t have a teacher and this is really affecting us and the [matric]trial exams are soon but yet we are left without a Maths and Science teacher”.

Yesterday, after Hendrik Kanise presented a memorandum to department officials, District Education Director Amos Fetsha asked for time to discuss the matter with his colleagues.

The protestors disapproved and said that they would not leave before a decision was taken.

Fetsha and his officials were forced to call an urgent meeting around midday that was attended by select members of the school.

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