A on e-year -old child almost fell into an open manhole in Extension 6 last Wednesday while playing outside. The manhole has been without a cover since 2007.

“The municipality knows about this manhole because

A on e-year -old child almost fell into an open manhole in Extension 6 last Wednesday while playing outside. The manhole has been without a cover since 2007.

“The municipality knows about this manhole because
I have complained about this before,” said Extension 6 resident, Yoliswa Dube. She says she informed the City Engineers Department of the problem again last week, but has still not received any response.

However, Phakama Booi from the department denies being told about the open manhole. “I don’t know anything about this, but if it has been open for three years then this is an old project which means it is still in progress,” she said.

Makana Media and Communication Officer Thandy Matebese was also not aware of the problem. “As soon as we find out exactly where the manhole is, we will be able to do something about it.

People need to report these matters so we are aware of what to do,” he said. Dube was at her mother’s house when she heard the neighbour’s baby scream.

“The child was playing near the manhole. I heard the baby scream a few minutes later, but luckily we got there before any harm was done,” she said.

“We eventually covered the hole with a mat and placed stones on the mat to keep it down.” Dube is also concerned about the health risk the manhole poses.

“It even overflowed once, this manhole is the main manhole for all the surrounding houses in this area. This can be a problem because children like playing where it is dirty.”

Matebese has since taken down Dube’s details and will be dealing with the open manhole as soon as he receives more information.

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