What expectations do we have of God? One frequently cited expectation is that if I do everything right, God will act justly and not bring difficulty my way.

What expectations do we have of God? One frequently cited expectation is that if I do everything right, God will act justly and not bring difficulty my way.

Spare a thought for John the Baptist. He had done everything right. He was faithful to Jesus. Then in Luke 7 he finds himself stuck in prison, while Jesus is healing the sick, raising the dead and preaching the good news.

His question to Jesus: Are you the Messiah or should we expect someone else? He could not understand why he remained in difficulty and Jesus seemed to do nothing about it.

But the reality is that the fullness of God’s perfect justice will only be seen completely on the other side of eternity.

For now, while we go through difficulties that we cannot explain so we may we be encouraged by eternity, which will reveal an exceeding glory that outweighs our perceived injustice. Be blessed.

Tendai Chitsike, His People Church

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