Hello, it’s me again – Mary Christmas, Father Christmas’ sister. I met you last year and just like last year, my brother refused to lend me the reindeer, but he did lend me his seven league boots so it only took me two days to walk here.

I suppose he thinks I should lose weight – he can talk!

Hello, it’s me again – Mary Christmas, Father Christmas’ sister. I met you last year and just like last year, my brother refused to lend me the reindeer, but he did lend me his seven league boots so it only took me two days to walk here.

I suppose he thinks I should lose weight – he can talk!

As you know, the Christmas family are known for loving children – so much so that we spend our whole year making children presents.

Also, remember that Christmas all started because of a baby.

We have a lot of people and organisations in Grahamstown who care for children. But there are also unhappy, angry, sad, unfortunate people who hurt or abandon children. Sometimes this means that a child has no home. And that is where our beneficiary of the Christmas Cheer Fund this year comes in.

I went to visit the Home of Joy the other day. The Home of Joy is a children’s home run by Nokulunga Margaret Ngcangca. Her neighbour Mrs Mbombo plays the role of granny and was also there when we visited. By the way, when I saw the Rotary Christmas tree outside a local supermarket, all the names of the children from Home of Joy were on the tree so it looks like you guys have them sorted for Christmas presents. On behalf of my brother and me- thank you.

There are 13 children at the Home of Joy. It is a lovely house with lots of beds and fluffy toys. When I visited, the children had just been picked up from school and they were all eating eggs and bread. They laughed to see us and everyone wanted their photograph taken. But to protect them the editor has not published these photos in the newspaper nor have they been put up on the board outside.

They all go to school and were smiling and enjoying themselves. I am sure that you have found bringing up your two or three children hard enough but to raise 13 is beyond imagination. But that is what Mrs Ngcangca does.

So this year the Grocott’s Mail Christmas Cheer Fund be going to The Home of Joy. Please give generously as you always do. Now I must use my seven league boots and hop off back to the North Pole. There’s lots of work to do!. Thank you and good bye.          

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