MUSIC: RAF Collective
Upon entry, one is met with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. All members of the RAF Collective greet you with friendly smiles, and all that is left to do is take a seat before embarking on an eclectic instrumental journey.
The group’s five members share a deep passion for music. The audience can feel this passion as the music starts pulsing through one’s veins. You feel every beat rhythmically syncing to the beat of your heart. You can feel yourself moving to the beat of the drums, swaying to the rhythm of the guitar and losing yourself in the harmonic instrumentals.
The members of the Eastern Cape group find commonality in their connection with music. We are exposed to music in different forms and environments from a young age, and they believe that our innate connection to melody and rhythm, and the feeling this evokes in us, should be nurtured and shared.
The Collection’s jazz performance brings forth these nostalgic emotions and memories. Their music transports you to the first time you entered a jazz cafe, a first dance, a late study session, or a moment where music is playing as a winter fire is lit. There is something for everyone in this collective experience, a cluster of memories waiting to be unlocked.