Lindani Donyeli asked stall owners how they felt about the new venue (Victoria Primary School/ Victoria Girls’ High School) for the Village Green at the 2018 National Arts Festival. Berenice WilliamsI like it here. It is more central and has a better atmosphere. Celine OatsI like the place. It has spaces so people can move around. Magarette ChandiaFacilities are not well organised and the cleaning is not done regularly at the new place. Nigel WatersIt’s dedicated vibes for food and a better feeling. Philippe RenaudIt has better vibes and it does bring people. But please get wifi! Theo NtuntwaneIt is not the same. It has dropped down in this new place.
LETTER: Was Makhanda’s unfair load-shedding schedule due to Makana Municipality’s lack of compliance with the law?