PDOCrud.php 605

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 229 No summary for method initializeBtnActions()
error 1008 Name of argument $buttonname does not match with the DocBlock's name $fieldName in buttonHide()
notice 1008 Parameter $fieldName could not be found in buttonHide()
error 1232 Argument $dependentCol is missing from the Docblock of colDependent
error 1232 Argument $tableName is missing from the Docblock of colDependent
error 1232 Argument $dependentOn is missing from the Docblock of colDependent
error 1232 No summary for method colDependent()
error 1826 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of outputChartCode
error 1826 No summary for method outputChartCode()
error 1855 No summary for method initializeHTMLContent()
error 1897 No summary for method enqueuePlugin()
error 2050 Argument $eventName is missing from the Docblock of handleCallback
error 2050 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of handleCallback
error 2050 No summary for method handleCallback()
error 2075 No summary for method initializeJsSettings()
error 2106 Argument $output is missing from the Docblock of outputJsSettings
error 2106 No summary for method outputJsSettings()
error 2116 No summary for method registerJs()
error 2191 No summary for method registerCss()
error 2222 No summary for method loadLangData()
error 2352 No summary for method savePDOCrudObj()
error 2363 Argument $operationType is missing from the Docblock of render
error 2363 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of render
error 2363 No summary for method render()
error 2380 No summary for method resetFields()
error 2394 Argument $operationType is missing from the Docblock of validate
error 2394 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of validate
error 2412 Argument $operationType is missing from the Docblock of handleOperation
error 2412 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of handleOperation
error 2412 No summary for method handleOperation()
error 2482 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbSelect
error 2482 No summary for method dbSelect()
error 2514 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbInsert
error 2514 No summary for method dbInsert()
error 2534 Argument $fields is missing from the Docblock of checkDuplicateData
error 2534 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of checkDuplicateData
error 2534 No summary for method checkDuplicateData()
error 2545 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbUpdate
error 2545 No summary for method dbUpdate()
error 2559 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbSaveCrudData
error 2559 No summary for method dbSaveCrudData()
error 2579 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbDelete
error 2579 No summary for method dbDelete()
error 2589 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbDeleteSelected
error 2589 No summary for method dbDeleteSelected()
error 2601 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbBtnSwitch
error 2601 No summary for method dbBtnSwitch()
error 2618 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbSwitch
error 2618 No summary for method dbSwitch()
error 2631 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of dbSaveJoinData
error 2631 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbSaveJoinData
error 2631 Argument $lastInsertId is missing from the Docblock of dbSaveJoinData
error 2631 Argument $operation is missing from the Docblock of dbSaveJoinData
error 2631 No summary for method dbSaveJoinData()
error 2677 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of dbDelJoinData
error 2677 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbDelJoinData
error 2677 Argument $lastInsertId is missing from the Docblock of dbDelJoinData
error 2677 Argument $operation is missing from the Docblock of dbDelJoinData
error 2677 No summary for method dbDelJoinData()
error 2699 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of emailData
error 2699 No summary for method emailData()
error 2727 Argument $values is missing from the Docblock of formatFormData
error 2727 No summary for method formatFormData()
error 2833 Argument $val is missing from the Docblock of cleanInputData
error 2833 No summary for method cleanInputData()
error 2840 Argument $field is missing from the Docblock of validateField
error 2840 Argument $val is missing from the Docblock of validateField
error 2840 Argument $values is missing from the Docblock of validateField
error 2840 No summary for method validateField()
error 2858 Argument $val is missing from the Docblock of checkCaptchaField
error 2858 No summary for method checkCaptchaField()
error 2867 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getResponse
error 2867 No summary for method getResponse()
error 2887 Argument $val is missing from the Docblock of uploadFormImage
error 2887 No summary for method uploadFormImage()
error 2905 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbQuickView
error 2905 No summary for method dbQuickView()
error 2912 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbRelatedTableView
error 2912 No summary for method dbRelatedTableView()
error 2927 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbOnePage
error 2927 No summary for method dbOnePage()
error 2949 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbCRUD
error 2949 No summary for method dbCRUD()
error 3041 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of dbSQL
error 3041 No summary for method dbSQL()
error 3077 No summary for method dbAdvSearch()
error 3082 No summary for method setTableHeadings()
error 3093 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of setTableColumns
error 3093 No summary for method setTableColumns()
error 3123 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of getSubQuery
error 3123 No summary for method getSubQuery()
error 3135 Argument $query is missing from the Docblock of parseSubQuery
error 3135 Argument $cols is missing from the Docblock of parseSubQuery
error 3135 No summary for method parseSubQuery()
error 3140 Argument $matches is missing from the Docblock of replaceColumns
error 3140 No summary for method replaceColumns()
error 3145 Argument $relData is missing from the Docblock of getRelatedColumn
error 3145 Argument $alias is missing from the Docblock of getRelatedColumn
error 3145 No summary for method getRelatedColumn()
error 3156 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of addLimitOrderBy
error 3156 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of addLimitOrderBy
error 3156 Argument $recordPerPage is missing from the Docblock of addLimitOrderBy
error 3156 No summary for method addLimitOrderBy()
error 3177 Argument $recordPerPage is missing from the Docblock of getSelectPageLimit
error 3177 No summary for method getSelectPageLimit()
error 3191 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of addJoinCondtion
error 3191 Argument $showLeftJoinCol is missing from the Docblock of addJoinCondtion
error 3191 No summary for method addJoinCondtion()
error 3203 Argument $cols is missing from the Docblock of getColumnNames
error 3203 Argument $encrypt is missing from the Docblock of getColumnNames
error 3203 No summary for method getColumnNames()
error 3266 No summary for method crudTableColDataSource()
error 3286 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of formatTableData
error 3286 No summary for method formatTableData()
error 3326 No summary for method getAdvSearchControls()
error 3357 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getSearchFieldData
error 3357 No summary for method getSearchFieldData()
error 3373 No summary for method getInsertForm()
error 3394 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getEditForm
error 3394 No summary for method getEditForm()
error 3434 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getViewForm
error 3434 No summary for method getViewForm()
error 3487 No summary for method getSelectForm()
error 3508 No summary for method getEmailForm()
error 3526 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getAutoSuggestData
error 3526 No summary for method getAutoSuggestData()
error 3543 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getInvoicePDF
error 3543 No summary for method getInvoicePDF()
error 3556 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of ajaxAction
error 3556 No summary for method ajaxAction()
error 3562 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getCloneForm
error 3562 No summary for method getCloneForm()
error 3595 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of renderFormData
error 3595 Argument $submitData is missing from the Docblock of renderFormData
error 3595 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of renderFormData
error 3595 No summary for method renderFormData()
error 3615 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of renderViewFormData
error 3615 Argument $columns is missing from the Docblock of renderViewFormData
error 3615 Argument $leftJoinData is missing from the Docblock of renderViewFormData
error 3615 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of renderViewFormData
error 3615 No summary for method renderViewFormData()
error 3631 No summary for method getLeftJoinData()
error 3659 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of exportTableData
error 3659 No summary for method exportTableData()
error 3713 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of getJoinFormData
error 3713 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getJoinFormData
error 3713 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of getJoinFormData
error 3713 Argument $edit is missing from the Docblock of getJoinFormData
error 3713 No summary for method getJoinFormData()
error 3750 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getStepwiseFormData
error 3750 Argument $viewData is missing from the Docblock of getStepwiseFormData
error 3750 No summary for method getStepwiseFormData()
error 3758 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getTabStepData
error 3758 Argument $viewData is missing from the Docblock of getTabStepData
error 3758 No summary for method getTabStepData()
error 3789 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getStepyData
error 3789 Argument $viewData is missing from the Docblock of getStepyData
error 3789 No summary for method getStepyData()
error 3820 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getColSum
error 3820 No summary for method getColSum()
error 3844 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getSortedData
error 3844 No summary for method getSortedData()
error 3851 No summary for method getExtraData()
error 3860 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of getDateRangeFromDate
error 3860 No summary for method getDateRangeFromDate()
error 3883 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of exportFormData
error 3883 No summary for method exportFormData()
error 3915 Argument $tableName is missing from the Docblock of getPrimaryKey
error 3915 Argument $cols is missing from the Docblock of getPrimaryKey
error 3915 No summary for method getPrimaryKey()
error 3925 Argument $cols is missing from the Docblock of getColFromJoinTables
error 3925 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of getColFromJoinTables
error 3925 No summary for method getColFromJoinTables()
error 3936 Argument $joinCondition is missing from the Docblock of getJoinKeyName
error 3936 No summary for method getJoinKeyName()
error 3945 Argument $keyName is missing from the Docblock of getJoinKeyValue
error 3945 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of getJoinKeyValue
error 3945 No summary for method getJoinKeyValue()
error 3957 Argument $fields is missing from the Docblock of getStaticFields
error 3957 No summary for method getStaticFields()
error 3965 Argument $inlineform is missing from the Docblock of getFormTag
error 3965 No summary for method getFormTag()
error 3993 Argument $fields is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLData
error 3993 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLData
error 3993 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLData
error 3993 Argument $leftJoin is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLData
error 3993 Argument $innerJoin is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLData
error 3993 No summary for method getHTMLData()
error 4070 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of getViewHTMLData
error 4070 Argument $table is missing from the Docblock of getViewHTMLData
error 4070 No summary for method getViewHTMLData()
error 4105 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of checkJoinKeyField
error 4105 Argument $tableName is missing from the Docblock of checkJoinKeyField
error 4105 No summary for method checkJoinKeyField()
error 4116 Argument $colName is missing from the Docblock of getJoinColFullName
error 4116 No summary for method getJoinColFullName()
error 4129 Argument $fields is missing from the Docblock of getFormFields
error 4129 No summary for method getFormFields()
error 4161 Argument $fieldExtra is missing from the Docblock of isAutoIncrementField
error 4161 No summary for method isAutoIncrementField()
error 4168 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getFieldAttributes
error 4168 No summary for method getFieldAttributes()
error 4211 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getPlaceholder
error 4211 No summary for method getPlaceholder()
error 4215 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getFieldClass
error 4215 No summary for method getFieldClass()
error 4222 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getFieldData
error 4222 No summary for method getFieldData()
error 4259 No summary for method generateFilterControls()
error 4300 Argument $selectedData is missing from the Docblock of getFilterControls
error 4300 No summary for method getFilterControls()
error 4328 Argument $results is missing from the Docblock of reorderColumn
error 4328 No summary for method reorderColumn()
error 4338 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementType
error 4338 Argument $fieldType is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementType
error 4338 No summary for method getHTMLElementType()
error 4464 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElement
error 4464 Argument $htmlType is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElement
error 4464 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElement
error 4464 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElement
error 4464 Argument $fieldData is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElement
error 4464 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElement
error 4464 Argument $fieldId is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElement
error 4464 No summary for method getHTMLElement()
error 4575 Argument $action is missing from the Docblock of getSubmitData
error 4575 Argument $submitClass is missing from the Docblock of getSubmitData
error 4575 No summary for method getSubmitData()
error 4746 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementLable
error 4746 Argument $encryptedFieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementLable
error 4746 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementLable
error 4746 No summary for method getHTMLElementLable()
error 4768 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementBlockClass
error 4768 No summary for method getHTMLElementBlockClass()
error 4777 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementGroup
error 4777 No summary for method getHTMLElementGroup()
error 4793 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementTooltip
error 4793 No summary for method getHTMLElementTooltip()
error 4800 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementDesc
error 4800 No summary for method getHTMLElementDesc()
error 4807 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementAddOn
error 4807 Argument $position is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementAddOn
error 4807 No summary for method getHTMLElementAddOn()
error 4812 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLElementFieldOrder
error 4812 No summary for method getHTMLElementFieldOrder()
error 4821 Argument $html is missing from the Docblock of getHTMLContent
error 4821 No summary for method getHTMLContent()
error 4827 Argument $form is missing from the Docblock of getFormPopup
error 4827 No summary for method getFormPopup()
error 4832 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getRelatedTable
error 4832 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of getRelatedTable
error 4832 No summary for method getRelatedTable()
error 4839 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getRelatedTableTab
error 4839 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of getRelatedTableTab
error 4839 No summary for method getRelatedTableTab()
error 4867 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getRelatedTableDefault
error 4867 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of getRelatedTableDefault
error 4867 No summary for method getRelatedTableDefault()
error 4882 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getSidebarData
error 4882 Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of getSidebarData
error 4882 No summary for method getSidebarData()
error 4892 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of addWhereCondition
error 4892 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of addWhereCondition
error 4892 No summary for method addWhereCondition()
error 5058 Argument $col is missing from the Docblock of applySubQueryWhere
error 5058 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of applySubQueryWhere
error 5058 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of applySubQueryWhere
error 5058 No summary for method applySubQueryWhere()
error 5064 Argument $pdoModelObj is missing from the Docblock of searchRelData
error 5064 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of searchRelData
error 5064 Argument $column is missing from the Docblock of searchRelData
error 5064 No summary for method searchRelData()
error 5084 Argument $dataSource is missing from the Docblock of formatDatasource
error 5084 No summary for method formatDatasource()
error 5099 Argument $error is missing from the Docblock of addError
error 5099 No summary for method addError()
error 5103 Argument $method is missing from the Docblock of encryptPassword
error 5103 Argument $val is missing from the Docblock of encryptPassword
error 5103 No summary for method encryptPassword()
error 5115 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of encrypt
error 5126 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of decrypt
error 5134 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getDependentData
error 5134 No summary for method getDependentData()
error 5160 No summary for method getPDOModelObj()
error 5171 Argument $charts is missing from the Docblock of showChart
error 5171 No summary for method showChart()
error 5198 Argument $chartName is missing from the Docblock of getChartData
error 5198 Argument $chartType is missing from the Docblock of getChartData
error 5198 No summary for method getChartData()
error 5242 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of addHTML
error 5242 No summary for method addHTML()
error 5246 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of callbackTriggerOperation
error 5246 Argument $obj is missing from the Docblock of callbackTriggerOperation
error 5246 No summary for method callbackTriggerOperation()
error 5265 Argument $colVal is missing from the Docblock of getTriggerFormatedData
error 5265 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getTriggerFormatedData
error 5265 No summary for method getTriggerFormatedData()
error 5278 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of emailPassword
error 5278 Argument $obj is missing from the Docblock of emailPassword
error 5278 No summary for method emailPassword()
error 5300 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getInputField
error 5300 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getInputField
error 5300 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getInputField
error 5300 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of getInputField
error 5300 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getInputField
error 5300 Argument $fieldId is missing from the Docblock of getInputField
error 5300 No summary for method getInputField()
error 5317 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getSubmitField
error 5317 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getSubmitField
error 5317 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getSubmitField
error 5317 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getSubmitField
error 5317 No summary for method getSubmitField()
error 5334 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getButtonField
error 5334 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getButtonField
error 5334 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getButtonField
error 5334 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getButtonField
error 5334 No summary for method getButtonField()
error 5353 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getGoogleMap
error 5353 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getGoogleMap
error 5353 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getGoogleMap
error 5353 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getGoogleMap
error 5353 No summary for method getGoogleMap()
error 5372 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getTextareaField
error 5372 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getTextareaField
error 5372 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getTextareaField
error 5372 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getTextareaField
error 5372 No summary for method getTextareaField()
error 5389 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getSelectField
error 5389 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getSelectField
error 5389 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getSelectField
error 5389 Argument $fieldData is missing from the Docblock of getSelectField
error 5389 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getSelectField
error 5389 No summary for method getSelectField()
error 5422 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField4
error 5422 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField4
error 5422 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField4
error 5422 Argument $fieldData is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField4
error 5422 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField4
error 5422 No summary for method getRadioButtonField4()
error 5455 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField
error 5455 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField
error 5455 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField
error 5455 Argument $fieldData is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField
error 5455 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getRadioButtonField
error 5455 No summary for method getRadioButtonField()
error 5489 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField4
error 5489 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField4
error 5489 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField4
error 5489 Argument $fieldData is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField4
error 5489 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField4
error 5489 No summary for method getCheckboxField4()
error 5527 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField
error 5527 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField
error 5527 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField
error 5527 Argument $fieldData is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField
error 5527 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getCheckboxField
error 5527 No summary for method getCheckboxField()
error 5566 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getCaptcha
error 5566 No summary for method getCaptcha()
error 5580 Argument $imageSrc is missing from the Docblock of getImageField
error 5580 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getImageField
error 5580 Argument $imageClass is missing from the Docblock of getImageField
error 5580 No summary for method getImageField()
error 5592 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getListElements
error 5592 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getListElements
error 5592 Argument $position is missing from the Docblock of getListElements
error 5592 Argument $listElementTag is missing from the Docblock of getListElements
error 5592 No summary for method getListElements()
error 5617 Argument $spanText is missing from the Docblock of getSpanField
error 5617 Argument $spanClass is missing from the Docblock of getSpanField
error 5617 No summary for method getSpanField()
error 5624 Argument $lableText is missing from the Docblock of getLableField
error 5624 Argument $lableFor is missing from the Docblock of getLableField
error 5624 Argument $lableClass is missing from the Docblock of getLableField
error 5624 No summary for method getLableField()
error 5631 Argument $tooltip is missing from the Docblock of getToolTipField
error 5631 Argument $tooltipIcon is missing from the Docblock of getToolTipField
error 5631 No summary for method getToolTipField()
error 5636 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of getAnchorField
error 5636 Argument $url is missing from the Docblock of getAnchorField
error 5636 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getAnchorField
error 5636 Argument $anchorClass is missing from the Docblock of getAnchorField
error 5636 No summary for method getAnchorField()
error 5648 Argument $helpMsg is missing from the Docblock of getDescField
error 5648 No summary for method getDescField()
error 5653 Argument $imagepath is missing from the Docblock of getAjaxLoaderImage
error 5653 No summary for method getAjaxLoaderImage()
error 5658 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getSlider
error 5658 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getSlider
error 5658 No summary for method getSlider()
error 5671 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getImagePreviewField
error 5671 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getImagePreviewField
error 5671 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getImagePreviewField
error 5671 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of getImagePreviewField
error 5671 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getImagePreviewField
error 5671 No summary for method getImagePreviewField()
error 5687 Argument $divId is missing from the Docblock of getDiv
error 5687 Argument $params is missing from the Docblock of getDiv
error 5687 Argument $content is missing from the Docblock of getDiv
error 5687 No summary for method getDiv()
error 5700 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getFileUploadField
error 5700 Argument $attr is missing from the Docblock of getFileUploadField
error 5700 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getFileUploadField
error 5700 Argument $fieldData is missing from the Docblock of getFileUploadField
error 5700 Argument $fieldClass is missing from the Docblock of getFileUploadField
error 5700 No summary for method getFileUploadField()
error 5730 Argument $columns is missing from the Docblock of getSearchBox
error 5730 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getSearchBox
error 5730 No summary for method getSearchBox()
error 5786 Argument $totalRecords is missing from the Docblock of perPageRecords
error 5786 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of perPageRecords
error 5786 No summary for method perPageRecords()
error 5824 Argument $stepId is missing from the Docblock of getStepHeader
error 5824 Argument $stepName is missing from the Docblock of getStepHeader
error 5824 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of getStepHeader
error 5824 No summary for method getStepHeader()
error 5832 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getMoodelContent
error 5832 Argument $buttonContent is missing from the Docblock of getMoodelContent
error 5832 Argument $headerContent is missing from the Docblock of getMoodelContent
error 5832 Argument $bodyContent is missing from the Docblock of getMoodelContent
error 5832 No summary for method getMoodelContent()
error 5848 Argument $fieldName is missing from the Docblock of getMoodleStartContainer
error 5848 No summary for method getMoodleStartContainer()
error 5855 No summary for method getMoodleEndContainer()
error 5860 Argument $headerContent is missing from the Docblock of getMoodleHeader
error 5860 No summary for method getMoodleHeader()
error 5868 Argument $bodyContent is missing from the Docblock of getMoodleBody
error 5868 No summary for method getMoodleBody()
error 5873 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of getSidebar
error 5873 No summary for method getSidebar()
error 5962 Argument $fileName is missing from the Docblock of checkValidFileUpload
error 5962 Argument $fileUploadPath is missing from the Docblock of checkValidFileUpload
error 5962 Argument $maxSize is missing from the Docblock of checkValidFileUpload
error 5962 Argument $allowedFileTypes is missing from the Docblock of checkValidFileUpload
error 5962 No summary for method checkValidFileUpload()
error 5993 Argument $allowSpecialChar is missing from the Docblock of getRandomKey
error 6003 Argument $dir is missing from the Docblock of getDirFiles
error 6003 Argument $extension is missing from the Docblock of getDirFiles
error 6027 Argument $fileName is missing from the Docblock of getFileExtension
error 6162 No summary for method getPDFObject()
error 6390 Argument $isFile is missing from the Docblock of xmlToArray
error 6390 Name of argument $isFile does not match with the DocBlock's name $xmlSource in xmlToArray()
error 6404 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of formatOutputArray
error 6404 No summary for method formatOutputArray()
error 6513 Argument $xmlArray is missing from the Docblock of generateXML
error 6513 Argument $xmlObject is missing from the Docblock of generateXML
error 6513 Argument $rootElement is missing from the Docblock of generateXML
error 6513 No summary for method generateXML()
error 22 No summary for property $tableName
error 23 No summary for property $multi
error 24 No summary for property $form
error 25 No summary for property $formSteps
error 26 No summary for property $formExport
error 27 No summary for property $formCaptcha
error 28 No summary for property $formEmail
error 29 No summary for property $formPopup
error 30 No summary for property $formId
error 31 No summary for property $fieldValidation
error 32 No summary for property $fields
error 33 No summary for property $fieldAttr
error 34 No summary for property $fieldsStatic
error 35 No summary for property $fieldsRemove
error 36 No summary for property $fieldType
error 37 No summary for property $fieldDepend
error 38 No summary for property $fieldNames
error 39 No summary for property $fieldDataBind
error 40 No summary for property $fieldDesc
error 41 No summary for property $fieldAddOn
error 42 No summary for property $fieldBlockClass
error 43 No summary for property $fieldClass
error 44 No summary for property $fieldOrder
error 45 No summary for property $fieldDefaultOrder
error 46 No summary for property $fieldNotRequired
error 47 No summary for property $formFieldVal
error 48 No summary for property $hideFieldName
error 49 No summary for property $hideButton
error 50 No summary for property $fieldGroup
error 51 No summary for property $tooltip
error 52 No summary for property $crudTooltip
error 53 No summary for property $settings
error 54 No summary for property $currentLang
error 55 No summary for property $pdocrudView
error 56 No summary for property $pdocrudErrCtrl
error 57 No summary for property $pdocrudhelper
error 58 No summary for property $pdoTableFormatObj
error 59 No summary for property $pdocrudvalidate
error 60 No summary for property $objKey
error 61 No summary for property $HTMLContent
error 62 No summary for property $pk
error 63 No summary for property $pkVal
error 64 No summary for property $js
error 65 No summary for property $jsSettings
error 66 No summary for property $colApplyJs
error 67 No summary for property $css
error 68 No summary for property $plugins
error 69 No summary for property $message
error 70 No summary for property $tableFieldJoin
error 71 No summary for property $callback
error 72 No summary for property $joinTable
error 73 No summary for property $leftJoin
error 74 No summary for property $columns
error 75 No summary for property $currentpage
error 76 No summary for property $orderByCols
error 77 No summary for property $sortOrder
error 78 No summary for property $tableDataFormat
error 79 No summary for property $colFormat
error 80 No summary for property $colTypes
error 81 No summary for property $colDepends
error 82 No summary for property $colAdd
error 83 No summary for property $colSumPerPage
error 84 No summary for property $colSumTotals
error 85 No summary for property $colNames
error 86 No summary for property $colAttr
error 87 No summary for property $colsRemove
error 88 No summary for property $actions
error 89 No summary for property $btnActions
error 90 No summary for property $search
error 91 No summary for property $filterData
error 92 No summary for property $searchCols
error 93 No summary for property $directCall
error 94 No summary for property $inlineEdit
error 95 No summary for property $tableHeading
error 96 No summary for property $tableSubHeading
error 97 No summary for property $crudCall
error 98 No summary for property $backOperation
error 99 No summary for property $sql
error 100 No summary for property $crudFilter
error 101 No summary for property $crudFilterSource
error 102 No summary for property $recaptcha
error 103 No summary for property $formRedirection
error 104 No summary for property $fieldConditionalLogic
error 105 No summary for property $submitbtnClass
error 106 No summary for property $tableColDatasource
error 107 No summary for property $bulkCrudUpdateCol
error 108 No summary for property $searchOperator
error 109 No summary for property $advSearch
error 110 No summary for property $advSearchDataSource
error 111 No summary for property $advSearchParam
error 112 No summary for property $advSearchData
error 113 No summary for property $imageFlip
error 114 No summary for property $imageText
error 115 No summary for property $watermark
error 116 No summary for property $imageThumbnail
error 117 No summary for property $imageCrop
error 118 No summary for property $imageDimensions
error 119 No summary for property $multiTableRelation
error 120 No summary for property $multiTableRelationDisplay
error 121 No summary for property $chart
error 122 No summary for property $viewColumns
error 123 No summary for property $portfolioCol
error 124 No summary for property $delJoinTableData
error 125 No summary for property $triggerOperation
error 126 No summary for property $forgotPass
error 127 No summary for property $searchColDataType
error 128 No summary for property $fieldFormula
error 129 No summary for property $viewColFormat
error 130 No summary for property $sidebar
error 131 No summary for property $exportColName
error 132 No summary for property $btnTopAction
error 133 No summary for property $dateRangeReport
error 134 No summary for property $dateRangeData
error 135 No summary for property $colOrder
error 136 No summary for property $session
error 137 No summary for property $checkDuplicate
error 138 No summary for property $op
error 139 No summary for property $editFields
error 140 No summary for property $searchBoxCols
error 141 No summary for property $chartData
error 142 No summary for property $recordsPerPageList
error 143 No summary for property $relData
error 144 No summary for property $isRelData
error 145 No summary for property $pdf
error 146 No summary for property $subSelectQuery
error 147 No summary for property $invoiceDetails
error 148 No summary for property $xinvoicePrint
error 151 No summary for property $fileOutputMode
error 152 No summary for property $checkFileName
error 153 No summary for property $checkFileNameCharacters
error 154 No summary for property $replaceOlderFile
error 155 No summary for property $uploadedFileName
error 156 No summary for property $fileUploadPath
error 157 No summary for property $maxSize
error 158 No summary for property $fileSavePath
error 159 No summary for property $pdfFontName
error 160 No summary for property $pdfFontSize
error 161 No summary for property $pdfFontWeight
error 162 No summary for property $pdfAuthorName
error 163 No summary for property $pdfSubject
error 164 No summary for property $excelFormat
error 165 No summary for property $outputXML
error 166 No summary for property $rootElement
error 167 No summary for property $encoding
error 168 No summary for property $rowTagName
error 169 No summary for property $append
error 170 No summary for property $existingFilePath
error 171 No summary for property $delimiter
error 172 No summary for property $enclosure
error 173 No summary for property $isFile
error 174 No summary for property $useFirstRowAsTag
error 175 No summary for property $outputHTML
error 176 No summary for property $tableCssClass
error 177 No summary for property $trCssClass
error 178 No summary for property $htmlTableStyle
error 179 No summary for property $htmlTRStyle
error 180 No summary for property $htmlTDStyle