Author: Nyx Mclean

By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan In this article, I want to talk about shifting the focus from losing weight to living a healthy lifestyle. There is a substantial amount of focus on women’s bodies in particular and from both men and women.  Men look at a woman’s body more than her face, while women compare their body to another woman’s body. Women are continuously objectified in daily life, on television, and on social media. We as a society are obsessed with the size and shape of women.  It is then no surprise that women…

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By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan Being single is often associated with misery. But what if being alone doesn’t have to be dull and depressing?  Single people often get asked, “you don’t want to end up alone, do you?”, “how hasn’t anyone grabbed you up?” and “what’s wrong with you that you haven’t found anyone yet?” This then leads single people to start doubting themselves and thinking things like:  Why am I not good enough? I need to be in a relationship. Being single is horrible. I’m never going to find anyone.I will be single forever. What is wrong…

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By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan Boundaries are essential to set but can often be challenging to maintain. What is a boundary? A boundary is a limit or a space between you and another person. It is essential to set this to protect yourself and allow the other person to be aware of their limitations when engaging with you.  When healthy boundaries are in place, this is good for your mental and emotional health, helps you to maintain autonomy, develop your identity, avoid burnout, and influence other people’s behaviour.  When a person has poor boundaries,…

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By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan I have had the displeasure of meeting my very own narcissist. They infiltrated my life to such an extent and wreaked havoc before I realized what was happening. I have been trying to separate from them for months, but for those who have had a narcissist enter their lives, it is safe to say that this is extremely difficult to achieve.  A narcissist is someone with an exaggerated sense of self-importance, excessive need for admiration, lack of empathy, a loss of identity, difficulty with attachment and dependency, chronic feelings…

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By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan The stigmatisation of mental health continues, even though we have seen great strides in how we as a society discuss mental health issues, and there are more and more social media posts about mental health. Stigmatisation, in this instance, refers to cases where people are prejudicial towards someone due to the state of their mental health. This can occur in the workplace, home, friendship groups, and public settings. In 2019, stigma in the workplace was incredibly high concerning mental health. This meant that then, and still, now, many employees do…

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By ROD AMNER and NYX MCLEAN It has been almost a year since we stepped into the role as editors of Grocott’s Mail, a terrifying and exciting moment in our lives. We remember quite clearly thinking about just how we would pull off the first edition of GMDirect and what it would look like, how we would survive, and whether people would read what had been published. Then the week appeared, and we found ourselves writing, editing, checking layout and publishing. We found our feet, and we just kept going. Grocott’s Mail is different from how many of us remember…

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By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan We all go through different life events and new experiences, such as changing schools, moving to a new city, changing jobs, possibly moving countries, and changing lifestyles.  This can all be frightening because it is unknown. Changes in our circumstances can bring about anxiety because we must start all over again and move away from our comfort zone, especially if the change is out of our control. This can also possibly cause feelings of disempowerment or loss. We are naturally wired to fear change as humans. We prefer routine…

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By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan Health and life coaching and therapy such as that found with a psychologist or a psychiatrist are both beneficial forms of treatment, but they do differ. Psychology and psychiatry are recognised forms of therapy, and many people are comfortable with seeking this kind of therapy. In contrast, health and life coaching are very new, up-and-coming professions, which may make people nervous to try them out.  There are, however, many benefits to seeing a health and/or life coach. This is because a health and/or life coach can help you with: …

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By ROD AMNER and NYX MCLEAN We have been quiet on the editorial front, not because we haven’t had much to say but simply because A LOT is going on.  If it is not our teaching responsibilities, it is mentoring our students through some recent challenging experiences, or it is this: Grocott’s Mail is taking over Cue for the National Arts Festival! This is very exciting for us as editors, even if it is a little wild and has us checking whether we can increase our coffee budget over the next few weeks.  We know that there is going to be very…

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By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan The age-old sayings everyone seems to use when someone is down or upset are “chin up,” “think positively,” “just get on with it,” or “just keep pushing through”. This article is about establishing whether thinking positively is helpful or whether it just makes someone who is depressed or sad feel even more demotivated.  Put it this way: if you see the glass as half empty instead of half full, then maybe this article is for you.  What is positive thinking? This is where a person thinks from a positive perspective,…

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