Author: likhapha

By LIKHAPHA THAATHAA and LUCAS NOWICKI After failing to comply with the court order of 18 February 2022, the Makana Municipality has formulated a plan to remove all illegal dumping sites over the next two years. Xolo said the LRC would conduct site visits to evaluate what the municipality has done to clean the illegal dumpsites. She said they appreciated Makana’s initiative and were happy that the municipality was working with the community to find solutions. LRC Attorney Ona Xolo said a follow-up meeting with the municipality would monitor the actions they promised to take in terms of the plan.…

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By LIKHAPHA THAATHAA The most expensive winning bid of R5 250 at the Food4Futures (F4F) Loads of Lots auction on Saturday, 28 May, was for a ‘Dinner at Home’ to be cooked by none other than F4F founder and manager Mary Birt. ‘Dinner at home,’ the most expensive winning bid. Photo: F4F’s first-ever auction sold 78 items for over R80 000 in aid of food parcels for local people in need. A quilt titled ‘Stars’ (made between 1990 and 1992) fetched R4 100. And two nights’ accommodation at Manzikhanya Lodge netted R3 800. ‘Stars’ (made between 1990 & 199),…

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By LIKHAPHA THAATHAA In the wake of the two horrific accidents that claimed 12 lives on the N2 outside Makhanda last week, Makana traffic chief Coenraad Hanekom said driving standards were plunging, and many motorists failed to take road safety seriously. Hanekom said the number of vehicles on the road had risen steeply while the number of traffic law enforcement officers had declined. Makana traffic chief Coenraad Hanekom. There is a general shortage of traffic officers in the country – and just seven traffic police officers in Makhanda work on two shifts to cover the most significant portion of the…

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By LIKHAPHA THAATHAA Food4Futures’ (F4F) first Loads of Lots auction has been open online since 14 May and will culminate in a live auction at 6 pm on Saturday, 28 May at the Amazwi South African Museum of Literature. “We want to generate lots of money to buy food for people in need,” Food4Futures founder and manager Mary Birt said. Food4Futures (F4F) is a registered non-profit organization aimed at alleviating hunger and addressing other areas of need for disadvantaged families in Makhanda. With its move online, F4F hopes to attract buyers both locally and globally. The online facility helps bidders…

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By LIKHAPHA THAATHAA Many international students who have been waiting since January for their South African Police Clearance Certificates have not made it to South African universities this year. The delays have taken their toll on their mental health. Some have deferred their studies, while others have given up. Despite acquiring a new Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) in January, the police are now facing a backlog of more than 85 000 police clearance certificates. Nyakallo Ntsinyi has finally joined her Rhodes University Post Graduate Diploma in Media Management class after receiving her certificate. But, she said the long delays…

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By LIKHAPHA THAATHAA The results of an online food security poll have been collated. The idea for the poll emerged at last year’s food dialogues facilitated by the Makhanda Circle of Unity Food Security Cluster. It is hoped the poll will support the cluster’s shared efforts to raise the profile of food security in Makhanda. The anonymous participants were asked to allocate 20 points or dots across 15 possible actions, including short-, medium- and long-term options. In order of preference, below are the top seven actions out of 15: The ‘one garden, one household’ model and ECD/ school growing schemes…

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