Author: Joy Hinyikiwile

Stakeholders in children’s rights and care gathered at St Mary’s Development and Care Centre on Thursday evening to launch the Makhanda Children’s Rights Coalition. The coalition aims “to be a dynamic space for children’s rights and protection practitioners to deliberate and collectively act on matters affecting the lives of children in Makhanda,” said Anna Talbot from Rhodes University Community Engagement. School counsellors, members of the SAPS, the Rhodes University Community Engagement and NGOs involved in child care were amongst stakeholders present at the launch. Stakeholder representatives at the launch of the Makhanda Children’s Rights Coalition launch at St Mary’s DCC…

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By JOY HINYIKIWILE Mary Waters High School alumni Zizipho and Azizipho Nqoqo, 19, say they doubt they would have passed matric if it was not for community engagement projects like the SD Card Project. The Joza-based twins attained Bachelor passes last year and are currently BA (Politics and Sociology) first-year students at Rhodes University. Their school was one of four no-fee paying schools in Makhanda that received SD Cards loaded with study materials last year and given to each matric learner to access learning material. The cards can be inserted into a cell phone, tablet or laptop. Azizipho (left) and…

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It’s 8 am on a Saturday and time for Makhandans to run. By JOY HINYIKIWILE It is Saturday morning and fitness fanatics have gathered at the Makana Botanical Gardens for the weekly 8 am community fun run/walk. The sun is slightly shy to come out, but the temperature is warming nicely. This is the kind of Saturday morning weather that attracts a lot of participants, the organisers say. Turnout is lower on rainy and cloudy mornings. On this particular Saturday, 19 March 2022, 118 participants will complete the 5km route, which winds twice through the bushy green hills below the…

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