Author: Grocott's Mail Contributors

Grocott's Mail Contributors includes content submitted by members of the public, and public and private institutions and organisations - regular and occasional, expert and citizen, opinion and analysis.

We’re living in a time of uncertainty, fear and, for some, great despair. I’ve listened to countless people over the course of many months asking the question of where is God and why doesn’t He come through for us? Dealing with the loss of both a mother and a father-in-law, I once again was reminded that God is willing to go the extra mile for us. In Matthew chapter 8, verses 28-34, we find a glimpse of the extend that God is willing to go for even those who don’t know Him. In these verses, we find Jesus and His disciples…

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Met ‘n 64-jaar-oud verwantskap met PJ Olivier, loop die skool diep in Reinet Crous se bloed. Crous tree af na ‘n 30 jaar as onderwyseres. Crous begin in 1967 haar skoolloopbaan as Sub A-dogter by PJ Olivier.  Sy voltooi haar matriek ook by PJ Olivier in 1978 en sal onthou word as ‘n kranige atleet. In 1989 sluit sy weer by die skool aan as ‘n aflos-onderwyseres en aanvaar in 1991 ‘n permanente pos. Vir die afgelope 30 jaar blink sy uit as ‘n toegewyde laerskool-juffrou, die laaste 10 jaar daarvan as Graad 1-juffrou. In ‘n verklaring van die skool,…

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Here are this week’s rainfall figures courtesy of Jim Cambray, Gill Maylam, Robin Stobbs and Nick James. Get the whole picture in GMDirect every Friday EMAIL        click on SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER WHATSAPP PRESSREADER Tell your story WHATSAPP 066 156 2956 EMAIL  Advertise  066 156 2956   

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The Legal Resources Centre has filed a Notice of Withdrawal in the Equality Court in the Isaacs v Minister of Defence and Military Veterans matter. In 2019 the LRC took on the case of Major Fatima Isaacs, a Muslim woman serving in the South African National Defence Force. Major Isaacs wears a headscarf under her military beret and in June 2018, was informed that her wearing of a headscarf was not in compliance with the Military Religious Dress Policy and as such, she would have to remove her headscarf. Major lsaacs refused to comply and was subsequently charged with three…

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I want to draw our attention to a beautiful portion of Scripture that speaks of our absolute dependence and the all-sufficient nature of God. (2 Chronicles 16:9) “For the EYES of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless (wholehearted in their trust) toward Him.” Child of God, the eyes of the Lord, we are told, range throughout the whole earth. In other words, the eyes of the Lord search, He is intentional in His searching. His searching is purposeful. It is like that lifeguard on a busy…

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The thought never really crossed my mind that my wife, Augusta, could die. One of her friends even remarked that she was not the sort of person you would think of that could die. But she did, on Wednesday 9 December, after 11 days of induced coma and on a ventilator. I was devastated. I still have trouble coming to grips with the fact that she is gone and I will never see her on earth again. I also never imagined that any one person could suffer such pain as I did. At the East Cape Midlands service for her…

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These photos of a rainbow were taken on Friday 15 January 2021  at Chamissonis Farm on the Highlands Road. This dramatic change of colours occurred within a short space of time. Photo: Geoff Antrobus

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Thirteen lucky years for Makhanda – but now the Hunter family is moving on to another Parish, writes Maggy Clarke. Dr Andrew Hunter will preach for the last time as Dean of Grahamstown on Sunday 31 January 2021. The Hunters’ last morning service in the parish will be streamed live at 08:30 on the Cathedral Facebook page that, from 11am, parishioners and friends will be welcome to drive down High Street and pause in front of St George’s Chambers to say a brief goodbye, and convey their love to Dean Andrew and his family. Please remember to wear masks, and sorry…

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It is said that Grahamstown (Makhanda) is a place of transition. People come and go – students, school children, tourists, those here for a season. As newbies, we realise that “a thousand years is but a day” and that those who are born and bred here have roots and memories that go back for generations. The history of this place, whether written or oral, is rich and deep. There is both pain and joy. The scars of our past are tangible. Layers of history. Sites of struggle. Conflict embedded in memories. Names. Memorial plaques and monuments. Names and name changes.…

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By MZWAMADODA MAKALIMA On Tuesday 19 January Siyabulela ‘Ivy’ Madyo, a local businessman and founder of Lutifusion Ltd Pty with assistance from Ward Councillor Mr Ramie Xonxa, took an initiative to clean an illegal dumpsite in Joza, outside Joza Bottle Store opposite CM Vellem and Ntlebi Primary Schools in Makhanda.  Madyo, popular for his Sondela and Ndlambe Music Festivals, dug into his own pocket to hire heavy artillery that cleaned the dumpsite. He thanked Mr Gqamana for meeting him halfway with the machinery quotation, as he had initiated the cleanup out of his good will.  The dumpsite outside the bottle…

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