Author: Grocott's Mail Contributors

Grocott's Mail Contributors includes content submitted by members of the public, and public and private institutions and organisations - regular and occasional, expert and citizen, opinion and analysis.

Former St Andrew’s College pupil Nicholas Kroon has been awarded a full scholarship, the International Excellence Scholarship, to St Andrews University in Scotland.  It is one of only two prestigious scholarships that cover full tuition and are awarded to international undergraduates at St Andrew’s University. Nicholas was offered a place at the university earlier in the year based on his IEB Matric results, and the award of this scholarship has ambassadorial commitments attached to it.

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BY ASHLEY WESTAWAY The results of Grahamstown’s 2016 public school matriculants have surpassed expectations. Performance in the June and September (‘Trial’) examinations pointed to a likely aggregate pass rate in the vicinity of 55%.

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“It’s like opening a Christmas present,” Lindikhaya Sandi said this week, at the prospect of starting to prepare the fossil remains of what could be a new species of dinosaur. Sandi and Albany Museum palaeontologist Billy de Klerk – both are from Grahamstown – were among the fossil experts who last week successfully removed the remains of a large dinosaur found near the top of Barkly Pass, south of Lesotho. Team leader, University of the Witwatersrand palaeontologist Jonah Choiniere, said it was “highly likely” that the animal, which is at least 190 million years old, was a species new to…

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I almost didn’t get to see the Grocott’s Mail newsroom. My granny had told me about it and how it was named after my father. But my recent trip to Grahamstown was for work and I didn’t have much time and didn’t have the Grocott’s contact details. It was my first time in Grahamstown since the early 90s. But during an interview with Rhodes economics professor, Geoff Antrobus, he floored me when he asked whether I was related, in any way, to David Rabkin. This doesn’t happen often. My father was in jail from 1976 to 1984 and he died…

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