Bristow will do a visual presentation of his series ‘Stories from the Veld’, featuring the three books Running Wild: The Story of Zulu an African Stallion, then The Game Ranger, the Knife, the Lion and the Sheep: 20 Curious Characters from Southern Africa, and Of Hominins, Hunter-Gatherers and Heroes: Searching for 20
Amazing Places in South Africa.
Bristow has been writing books about Africa almost from the time he graduated from Rhodes, with a 13-year stint as editor of Getaway travel magazine some time in-between.
Following the talk there will be set-menu dinner served, with menus for meat, fish and vegetable eaters at various prices, followed by coffee and whatever else ensues (we hear it’s a tough town).
Books will be on sale for R200 each (retail R260), cash or card. Anyone interested in attending should contact either David or Jack:
David –, 083 267 5891
Jack –, 083 653 3597