Grocott’s Mail is working hand in hand with Sunnyside Garden Centre and the Community of Makhanda to help those who have something to give to connect with other community members who appreciate their skills and resources. Some, like Edward Gaybba of Redbeard Permaculture, have offered their skills. Gaybba taught a group of subsistence gardeners how to plant properly according to permaculture principles. Transport to such workshops; fencing to keep destructive goats and donkeys out and donating seeds are some of the ways the.Makhanda community has supported people who are doing it for themselves.
Eric Naba is a grandfather who is unemployed has no eeds to plant in his garden.
As he is unemployed he spends most of his time in the garden. Some of the good Samarians has visited Grocott’s Mail to give back to the community especially to those who are in need. Gill Rennie, a Lecturer in Rhodes University’s School of Jouralism and Media Studies has provided Naba with five packets of seed and pots to Eric Naba so that he can continue to plant in his garden.
Naba is very happy and excited as life is hard for him and his family. “I am very happy and I have no words to say I thank you very much to the person who has given out the seeds and the pot plants. I am going to continue planting, thank you very much to Grocott’s Mail as well for visiting our community and to put us in the paper so that we can get help,” said Naba.
Grocott’s Mail invites those who are able to help to come to our offices and speak to Lindani Donyeli.