Dear Residents

Makana Local Municipality is dedicated to improving the services we offer the community. We are striving for more transparency, accuracy and completeness of billing and customer accounts as well as improving relations with each member of the community. To this end we have embarked on a drive to cleanse and update the data on all customer accounts. I would like to call on each and every household that has a combined income of less than R3500 per month to visit our finance department and register for our indigent policy. This has benefits for both the residents and the municipality. The equitable share is a financial allocation in the form of an unconditional grant that enables municipalities to provide basic services to poor households, and to enable municipalities with limited own resources to afford basic administrative and governance capacity and perform core municipal functions. The number of registered beneficiaries determines the size of the allocation to each municipality.

Indigent registration

Makana Local Municipality’s indigent programme is aimed at including those currently not able to afford access to basic services, through the provision of an indigent programme. The common need of impoverished people in South Africa is to have access to free basic services. This programme is part of the Indigent Policy which is implemented in line with the national government’s call to alleviate poverty.

The municipality accordingly adopts an indigent support policy and programme, not only providing procedures and guidelines for the subsidisation of service charges to indigent households in its area of jurisdiction, but also to increase the quality of life of indigent beneficiaries by assisting them to exit from indigence. To qualify as an indigent you are required to visit the municipality or speak to your ward councillor to obtain the application form, which is to be completed with all required supporting documents. Once your application has been approved and you qualify as an indigent, the benefits are as follows:

  • Free Water Consumption 6kl per month.
  • Free Electricity Consumption 50 kWh per month.
  • Refuse removal
  • Annual Sanitation and Water Connection charges
  • Property Rates


The municipality is urging the community to take the opportunity that is currently available to assist the beneficiaries who are residing at properties where the owner is deceased. The program is to clear the pre-death debts and post-death debts.

Required documents

  • Identity Document of beneficiary (ID)
  • Death Certificate of deceased
  • Letter of authority from Master of the High Court for current occupants
  • Where current occupants are unable to obtain a letter of authority from the high court they are required to sign an acknowledgement of debt with the municipality

 Customer information update

The Municipality encourages the community to without further delay come and update their information at Finance Department. What will be required?

  • Identity Document (ID)
  • Telephone & Cell phone number

Kindly Visit or Contact your nearest Municipality Finance Department office for more information and update.

 I would like to call on every employer, organisation, church leaders, community leaders and everyone who know of people who qualify for this benefit to please spread the word and encourage them to register for this benefit.

Hon. Executive Mayor Cllr. Mzukisi Mpahlwa

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