Tensions have emerged between Makana's new municipal manager and some councillors, who have accused him of undermining the institution's processes.
Tensions have emerged between Makana's new municipal manager and some councillors, who have accused him of undermining the institution's processes.
The furore erupted at a Local Economic Development portfolio committee meeting on Wednesday, where chairperson Paul Notyawa claimed the realignment of functions of directorates within the municipality, including employing personnel, was being carried out without the approval of Council.
The new Municipal Manager, Dr Pravine Naidoo, presented his proposals to realign administrative structures within the municipality at a Mayoral Lekgotla in mid-May. His proposals were formally presented at a Council meeting at the end of that month.
The restructuring was planned as a two-phase process where senior management and their respective directorates were realigned in the first phase, and reskilling and transferring of staff would be completed in the second phase.
Notyawa said union members had cried foul.
"Posts are being advertised and we know nothing about them," he said. "Whoever is doing that must stop. Council is the final decision-making body. No matter what authority or statutory position you are in… everyone must abide by the municipal laws."
Notyawa also expressed concern about the recent sudden resignation of Chief Financial Officer Danny Sahibdeen.
He said the public had not been properly informed.
"The public will suspect foul play," he said.
Notyawa complained that Council was not being taken seriously.
"A number of things are happening. People are taking us for granted," Notyawa said. "We are begging you, please be professional. You don't have to be highly qualified in order to be professional," he said in apparent reference to the much-vaunted qualifications of municipal manager Pravine Naidoo.
Similar concerns had been expressed the previous day during the Social Development portfolio committee meeting. There, chairperson Mabhuti Matyumza said he was concerned that the process of restructuring the directorate was not going through the committee and that the office of the municipal manager was ignoring its recommendations.
Meanwhile, Council's DA caucus has also expressed concern about the resignation of the Makana CFO.
"The DA regarded the CFO, Danny Sahibdeen as a very experienced and well qualified individual, clearly capable of turning around the Makana finance department. He was CFO for a mere six months," the DA said in a statement.