Newspaper staff took turns collecting coins (and a few notes!) from generous shoppers outside Pick n Pay last Wednesday and Thursday afternoons to do their bit to help the Grocott's Mail Christmas Cheer Fund.
Newspaper staff took turns collecting coins (and a few notes!) from generous shoppers outside Pick n Pay last Wednesday and Thursday afternoons to do their bit to help the Grocott's Mail Christmas Cheer Fund.
This year the fund is in aid of the Grahamstown Hospice and the combined total collected by staff last week was R2 965.10. Last year's Christmas Cheer Fund raised over R6 000, which was distributed between Sun City Nursery School and Nompumelelo Child Welfare. In 2010 over R12 000 was raised for the Raphael Centre.
We will be collecting for the fund until 21 December and we're going to need your help to beat 2011's figure and hopefully even 2010's. The Christmas Cheer Fund donation will be handed over to Grahamstown Hospice in the first week of January, so residents who have not yet made their contribution still have some time. Pop into the italGrocott's Mail/ital offices at 40 High Street or you can make an online contribution to the fund.
Find the GBS Mutual Bank account at The account number is 52322003436 and the branch code is 250655. Please use reference number 00380700057. Donations received to date: Balance brought forward: R2 850. Street collection: R2 965.10. Total: R5 815.10.