Plumbers and Legals shared the silverware in the Albany Sports Club's business league cricket tournament. The finals were held at the Albany Sports Club, and although the plate final was completed, the main event was called off due to rain.
Plumbers and Legals shared the silverware in the Albany Sports Club's business league cricket tournament. The finals were held at the Albany Sports Club, and although the plate final was completed, the main event was called off due to rain.
The plate final was won by Hi-Tec, while the main final was shared between Plumbers and Legals. Business league organiser Steven van Zuydam said more than 100 people had stayed for a steak braai afterwards, with popular entertainers Gordan and Barry playing music. "It was great to see the club packed almost capacity,” he said.
The next event planned on the Albany Sports Club calendar is a tag rugby and mini soccer tournament which van Zuydam said would be played at night. Tag rugby doesn't involve the rough-and-tumble of contact rugby. Both events will be open to all ages and both men and women. “On the night you will play a game of tag rugby and a game of soccer”.
Teams can register with Clint at Albany Sports, in High Street, or call Clint at 071 673 1755. The tag rugby, mini soccer league was scheduled to start towards the middle of March “depending on quick response,” said van Zuydam. Any teams still wishing to play business league cricket matches can contact Steven at 074 446 6303.
The Albany Sports Club is also forming a social 15-man rugby side, which will play friendly matches in Grahamstown. For more information about the rugby, call Adam at 083 734 7112, or Willem at 083 979 4641.