Learners from Victoria Primary School enthusiastically supported the sixth event in the 2009 BSG Energade Kids Triathlon Series at Pollock Beach in Port Elizabeth on Sunday and in the process won a R5 000 incentive prize for the school.
Learners from Victoria Primary School enthusiastically supported the sixth event in the 2009 BSG Energade Kids Triathlon Series at Pollock Beach in Port Elizabeth on Sunday and in the process won a R5 000 incentive prize for the school.
As a way to encourage youngsters to take part in triathlons, the organisers of the series give away an incentive prize at each race to the school that brings the most participants. At Pollock Beach Victoria Primary won the prize hands down with 56 learners who competed, said the school’s sports coach, Michelle Rafferty after collecting the cheque at the prizegiving ceremony.
Joining oodles of other youngsters, Victoria Primary’s would-be triathlon stars embraced this exhilarating multi-sport event enthusiastically -participating both as individuals and as teams-which encompasses three disciplines, namely swimming, cycling and running.
“The kiddies series is all about getting children active, growing the sport of triathlon and giving kids a secure environment in which they can achieve their personal potential, without the pressure of winning.
It’s all about having fun, family involvement and also serving as a training ground for future triathlon stars. We hope that in the future learners from more schools like Victoria Primary will participate,” says Corné Grobler, the series organiser.
With youngsters being able to participate in teams with each member doing a different discipline the series is ideal for school participation as children of varying experience and talent can compete alongside one another.
The further appeal of the series is that every child is a winner on the day with all participants receiving a medal, t-shirt, energy drink, swimming cap and a goodie bag with fun stuff from the series sponsors.