Rhodes University International Office

Rhodes International Office

Make sure you stay up-to-date with all things international by reading emails coming in from the international office. For more information go to their official website where you can find the latest news, more on their role, and important resources


Who are they?

The Internatioanl Office is all about promoting internationalism at Rhodes Univeristy. They serve to support & guide international students as well liaise with and facilitate discussion among international students and between international students and university management, as well with the Department of Home Affairs and VFS, medical aid schemes and embassies.

The office is made of up on staff members who are trained to know the ins-and outs of international student affairs.

What do they do?

The international office has an array of responsibilities. They give advice to students; they ensure students are up to date with news concerning their country, and the laws that govern their legal status in South Africa. They are big advocates for anti-xenophobic movements and have several campaigns you can join for this cause. The international office organizes events and forums for international students to mingle, enjoy, as well as voice their concerns. These events provide a space for internationals students to spend time with other international students and form a community.

Who’s who?

Ms Orla Quinlan: Director Internationalisation

Ms Debby Wolhuter: Office Manger

Mr. Dingaan Booi: International Networks Programmes Projects and Events Officer

Mr Simamkele Gayika: International Officer

Ms Unita Kirkwood: Administrative Assistant

What can they help me with?

You can go to the international office for anything that concerns you as an international student. If you have a problem with renewing your visa or with your medical aid you can approach the international student’s office and they will assist you. They will often put you in contact with the relevant people if you have a problem that needs to be solved. If you need information about your home country, or need to contact the embassy, you can approach the international office. As a rule, it’s better to ask if they can assist you with something, than assume it’s not their jurisdiction.

What should I bring when I see them?

Although you don’t have to bring anything with you when you got o the international office, it might be a good idea to know your student number and your passport number for reference, even your medical aid number if you have one already, in case you need to make any inquiries where these will be relevant. It’s always a good idea to email the office before hand if you would like to speak to someone specific, but if you have a general inquiry, they will usually assist you on the spot if they are not too busy.

Where do I find them?

International Office
Eden Grove Building
Lucas Avenue


The International Office hasn’t helped me much, but I feel like that’s because I usually do things myself, and I didn’t think they could help me with what I needed

Dudu E
I’ve never even been to the international office and I’ve been here for years.

Leslie C
They’re not very good at communicating, they don’t reply to my emails, but then I also don’t read theirs anymore.

Bame L
I think its important for them to hold things like International Parade, and Africa ball, so I’m glad they do it.

Audrey K
They send me a kind email when a tragedy struck in my home country

Kelia L