


International students make up over 20% of the student body at Rhodes University, a liberal arts institution in South Africa’s province of the Eastern Cape.

As international students, we go through complicated processes to come to South Africa to further our education. We have to sort out our visas, medical aid and air fare even before leaving home. RU international helps you navigate these administrative processes as well as feeling integrated into a new environment so you can focus on balancing your academic and social life.

Our Stories

My visa application was hectic

The hardest process is getting the actual permit. I think it took me over a month to get it. When I went in October they told me I was too early. I went again in November and I was given a check-list of things I needed to do get. Which I did. I took my forms to the Visa Facilitation Office. They told me that I needed a letter from the school where I had been accepted. Then they asked me for my South African medical aid. There are no South African medical aid providers in my country. I started doing research online, until I eventually found one and had to register and pay everything online…

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Travelling is so expensive

I booked my flights as soon as I got my visa. Friends had told me to give myself plenty of time before I started school so I could settle when I got to Grahamstown. I took a flight from Gaborone to Johannesburg but my journey did not end there. I had to take another flight from Johannebsurg to Port Elizabeth, the closest place to Rhodes University that had an airport. Finding out about your res[idence] before-hand is important, and if you’re not sure you should find out at registration. I followed the registration signs to Eden Grove, the big administration building where everyone goes to register. They asked me for my original passport and copies of that, as well as of my visa and medical aid certificate. The wait was long…

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My first week in Makhanda

Orientation lasted a week. It’s when all the first years get together. We do fun things and get to know the town, each other, our classes and so on. I went to an international students’ forum organized by the international office at Rhodes. It was informative and motivating. I started making friends in res[idence], I joined societies at sign-ups and started finding my way around campus and the town. I began thinking about saving money because I wasn’t always getting an allowance from my parents as often as when I was living at home. I wasn’t sure about getting a part time job yet…

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Our story

Why do we come to SA?

The majority of the international students at Rhodes University are from the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The university also has several students on exchange from Germany, Netherlands, France and other European countries.

South Africa’s institutions of higher education have seen an opportunity to promote the country to other African countries as a good option for beginning or completing your studies. Students come to South Africa to study mainly because it’s cheaper and in many instances closer than South Africa’s competitors that are mainly developed countries like the USA, UK, Canada and Australia. The living expenses are cheaper as well as the tuition. From an academic point of view, many South African universities including Rhodes University are internationally recognized, and graduating from these institutions comes with its prestige, having higher chances of securing work. From a personal point of view, having the experience of living and studying in another country comes with a great deal of growth.

Although we may come from all over the world, international students have very similar experiences, and it’s important for us to share them.

What do you need?

Applying for your study visa

Advice on how to apply or re-apply for a study visa, what documents you will need and what the process is like. You can also find out how you can work on a study visa.

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Managing your finances

Get the best tips for saving money at university. Find out how you can fund your studies and manage your cash. As an international student you might find that your family or financial supporters won’t be able to send you money as often as before, so it’s important to think ahead. 

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Your Health

You will need to have a valid South African medical aid to apply for a study visa as well as to register with a university. Find out what valid medical aid is available and decide which one is the best for you. Your physical and mental health is super important, find out where on campus you need to go if you’re sick or need someone to talk to. 

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Getting to know Rhodes University

Two important aspects of Rhodes University for every international student to know is where the international office is and what living in residence might be like, especially if you’re a first year. Living in ‘res’ can be a great way to make friends and feel a little bit more at home. Find out a little m,ore about the history of the university you’ll be attending.

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Integrating into the culture

Rhodes Culture (and even Grahamstown culture for that matter) is unique even for South Africa, so experiencing a little bit of culture shock is completely normal. Find out what challenges you might face while you try to find your way in a new place and how to make your integration experience a good one

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Your social life

University life is about balance. After working hard, you deserve a little bit of play. Lucky for us, Makhanda has a variety of different fun places to go. Find out where the best places to grab nachos, cocktails, curry and more, what you can do in your free time and what you should expect from living in in this small town. 

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