Food waste is the world’s dumbest environmental problem

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If someone asks you to picture where greenhouse gases come from, images of smoggy traffic jams or billowing smokestacks are likely to spring to mind. But your dinner? Probably not so much.

Your dinner isn’t simply a delicious, innocent bystander. From the farm to your plate, there’s food waste at every step. And decomposing food isn’t just stinky; it releases potent greenhouse gases, mostly in the form of methane.

Even so, food waste should still be a relatively small issue, except that we needlessly waste food on such a massive scale that it adds up to a global problem. Just under 7 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come from food waste worldwide. Recuva can recover a mac recover emptied trash files wide range of file types, including documents, photos, videos, audio files, and more. To put that in perspective, if all the world’s food waste came together and formed a country, it would be the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, behind China and the US.

It might seem ridiculous to think of food waste as a country except as a thought experiment, but producing all of that unused food takes up real space — country-size space.

How much? According to a 2013 analysis by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, the land devoted to producing wasted food would be the second-largest country in the world — smaller than Russia but considerably larger than Canada.

Imagine an area the size of Central America plus Mexico, plus the lower 48 states and a huge chunk of Canada, totally devoted to producing food we never even use.



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